Cost Plus Fixed Fee definition

Cost Plus Fixed Fee means a payment method whereby the consultant is reimbursed actual costs on a project, plus paid a specific dollar amount for performing the work.
Cost Plus Fixed Fee. (“CPFF”) means a method for determining compensation to the Consultant that consists of a Fixed Fee Percent and the following reimbursable cost elements: verified Labor Rates, overhead, all Other Direct Costs (lump sum and invoiced), as set forth in Exhibit B, Cost Summary.

Examples of Cost Plus Fixed Fee in a sentence

  • Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) method of payment shall be used for all Task Order work unless (1) the nature of the work directed is appropriate to Specific Rate of Pay (SROP) payment method (such as construction management services, research & development, and staffing support services); (2) the payment method is approved by the CDOT Project Manager and Contracting Officer; and (3) the payment method is reflected in the Task Order Proposal at the time of execution.

  • This project will utilize the Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) method of compensation.

  • For Cost Plus Fixed Fee, Specified Rate, and Unit Cost - Fixed cost items to be billed at the fixed cost rate.

  • NOTE: For Cost Plus Fixed Fee, Specified Rate, and Unit Cost - Miscellaneous other direct expenses up to $100 per unit will be reimbursed at cost if approved and documented in advance by the State's Project Manager.

  • This project will utilize the Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) method of contracting.

  • For Cost Plus Fixed Fee Compensation type contracts, use the following ‘Payment’ section.

  • The percentage of the total lump sum fee that represents the ratio of Work completed to the total amount of Work; Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contracts: Incurred cost of actual Work performed plus a percentage of the fixed fee that represents the ratio of Work completed to the total amount of Work; Specific Rate of Compensation Contract: Incurred cost of actual Work performed; Per Unit of Work Contract: The cost of each completed unit of Work and/or a percentage of each partially completed unit of Work.

  • The estimate in support of the Cost Plus Fixed Fee amount is attached hereto as Exhibits “D” and “E” and by this reference made part of this AGREEMENT.

  • This project may utilize the Direct Labor Multiple (DLM) or the Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) method of contracting.

  • Cost Plus Fixed Fee Payment Basis: Rates, within the ranges indicated, will be agreed upon for use in calculating the maximum amount not to exceed.

Related to Cost Plus Fixed Fee

  • Fixed Fee means an agreed upon amount that is fixed at the inception of the Contract. In a cost reimbursable contract, the fixed fee includes the contractor’s direct and indirect administrative costs and profit allocable to the Contract.

  • Monthly Fee means the total consideration, including but not limited to, equipment or locker rental,

  • Cost-plus-a-percentage-of-cost contract means a contract under which the contractor is paid a percentage of the total actual expenses or costs in addition to the contractor's actual expenses or costs.

  • Base Fee means the amount of compensation mutually agreed upon for the completion of Basic Services.

  • Maximum allowable cost list means the list of drugs used by a pharmacy benefit manager that

  • Support Fees means the fees, if any, payable by the State for Maintenance and Support Services as set forth in the Maintenance and Support Schedule.

  • Variable Costs means the Train Operator’s costs which vary as a result of a Category 3 Disruption, a Relevant Cancellation or a Relevant Service Variation (as the case may be) arising directly from changes in train mileage including staff, maintenance, fuel or electricity costs, and the Variable Charge.

  • Monthly Fees means, collectively, [INSERT FOR HFS: the Monthly Food and Beverage Fee,] the Monthly Program Fee and the Monthly Royalty Fee, each of which is set forth in the Addendum. [INSERT FOR HFS: “Monthly Food and Beverage Fee” means the fee we require from you in Subsection 8.2, which is set forth in the Addendum.]

  • Hire Fee the hire fee specified in Item 13.

  • Cost price means the actual cost of an item or article of tangible personal property computed in the

  • Permit Fee means a fee in an amount established by the SFMTA Board, required to be paid by a permit applicant for permit issuance or renewal, including any late payment penalties or interest for failure to pay in accordance with the requirements of this Article and any other regulations adopted by the SFMTA Board.

  • Service Fee means a fee charged by us to you for the administration of your credit facility.

  • Category Fee Schedules Bond Funds (continued)

  • Prime costs and “Prime cost sum” means the amount actually paid by the contractor for any article, commodity or special work and shall include all proper charges for packing, carriage and delivery to site, after deduction of all trade documents, rebates and allowances and the discount obtainable for cash insofar as such discount for cash exceeds 2½%.

  • Hourly Rate means the proposed fully loaded maximum hourly rates that include travel, per diem, fringe benefits and any overhead costs for contractor personnel, as well as subcontractor personnel if appropriate.

  • Support Cost Rate means the flat rate at which the Partner will be reimbursed by UN Women for its Support Costs, as set forth in the Partner Project Document and not exceeding a rate of 8% or the rate set forth in the Donor Specific Conditions, if that is lower. The flat rate is calculated on the eligible Direct Costs.

  • Monthly Service Fee means a monthly charge to a member for continuing care and not as rent, or a daily prorated portion thereof.

  • Assigned Annual Special Tax means the Special Tax of that name described in Section D.

  • Service Costs has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 3.01.

  • Financing Costs Adjustment Date means each of the following days:

  • Start-Up Costs means all fees, costs, and expenses incurred in connection with establishing the State Mitigation Trust and the Indian Tribe Mitigation Trust and setting them up for operation. Start-up costs shall not include the cost of premiums for insurance policies.

  • Fixed Costs means costs which do not vary with consumption or volume produced;

  • Services Fee means, collectively, the Senior Services Fees and the Subordinated Services Fees.

  • Set-Up Fee means a fee paid by a consumer to an Agency for the establishment of the DMP.

  • Contract Fee means the lump sum rates as outlined in Schedule ‘B’ – Quote Form.

  • Pupil fee means a fee, deposit or other charge imposed on pupils, or a pupil’s parents or guardians, in violation of Section 49011 of the Education Code and Section 5 of Article IX of the California Constitution, which require educational activities to be provided free of charge to all pupils without regard to their families’ ability or willingness to pay fees or request special waivers, as provided for in Hartzell v. Connell (1984) 35 Cal.3d 899. A pupil fee includes, but is not limited to, all of the following: