Course Fee. Shall refer to the compulsory fees to be charged by the PEI on account of the Student’s undertaking of the Course and as stated in Schedule B.
Course Fee means all the fees in relation to a Course to be paid by you or on your behalf to the College under these Terms, as stipulated in the Brochure;
Course Fee means the tuition and other fees for Courses set by the Institute as published in the International Schedule of Programs and Fees;
Examples of Course Fee in a sentence
Each instalment amount shall not exceed the following: • 12 months’ worth of Course Fees for EduTrust certified PEIs*; or • 6 months’ worth of Course Fees for non-EduTrust-certified PEIs with Industry-Wide Course Fee Insurance Scheme (IWC)*; or • 2 months’ worth of Course Fees for non-EduTrust-certified PEIs without IWC*.
More Definitions of Course Fee
Course Fee means the number of SEATS or Students licensed times the appropriate COURSE- BASED or TIME-BASED fee.
Course Fee means all the fees to be paid by You or on Your behalf to the College under these Terms (including accommodation), as stipulated in the Brochure;
Course Fee means the fee payable by You when You register to under a
Course Fee means the price for the course excluding VAT.
Course Fee means the standard fees to be paid by You or on Your behalf under these Terms, as stipulated in the Brochure;
Course Fee means the fee paid by the Applicant to an organiser of a Course for the purposes of allowing the Applicant to attend that Course, excluding any fee, cost or expense that has been or will be subsidised by the Authority or any public body defined under the Public Sector (Governance) Act 2018, including but not limited to, the Enterprise Singapore Board (ESG), the SkillsFuture Singapore Agency (SSG), the Workforce Singapore Agency (WSG), and the Info-communications Media Development Authority (IMDA);