Court official definition

Court official means a circuit court judge, clerk of circuit court, register in probate, juvenile clerk, court commissioner appointed under section 757.68 and SCR 75.02 (1), justice of the supreme court, judge of the court of appeals, and the clerk of the supreme and appellate courts.
Court official means a judge, referee, court administrator, prosecutor, probation officer, or victim's advocate, whether employed by or under contract with the court, who is authorized to act on behalf of the court;
Court official means a judge, referee, court administrator, prosecutor, probation

More Definitions of Court official

Court official means a county or circuit court judge, general magistrate, special magistrate, or hearing officer.
Court official means a judge, referee, court administrator, prosecutor, probations officer, or victim’s advocate, whether employed by or under contract with the court, who is authorized to act on behalf of the court;
Court official means a judicial officer, the United States Marshal and deputy marshals, court security officers, and an employee of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan.
Court official. ’ means a Senior Military Judge or Military Judge, Military Prosecution Counsel, assessor, legal representative, interpreter, court orderly, 50
Court official means a person who holds the office of: (ii) the Registrar of the Court of Queen’s Bench for Saskatchewan or a deputy registrar; (iii) a local registrar or deputy local registrar of the Court of Queen’s Bench for Saskatchewan; 2012, c.C-16.001, s.9;2012, c.8, s2. Explanation Proposed section 12 amends clause 9(a) of The Commissioners for Oaths Act, 2012 by updating references to the Court of Queen’s Bench.
Court official means any active or retired justice of the peace, or judge or justice from a city, parish, state, or federal court located in the state, any district attorney, investigator, or city prosecutor in this state, any administrative law judge or the director of the division of administrative law, as provided in Chapter 13-B of Title 49."
Court official means the registrar or district registrar of the Supreme Court of British Colum- bia, a County Court or the Provincial Court.