Customer Tariff definition
Examples of Customer Tariff in a sentence
Meter Tariff Index and Customer Tariff Class musty not be linked in the system in order to avoid key changes when tariffs are changed, for instance from an Indigent to Domestic tariff.
This document is based on the Nevada General Customer Tariff as it existed on November 30, 2003.
The Operator shall collect from any appropriate Standpipe Agent supplying water from the Standpipe a volume based Standpipe Rate (as referred to in Appendix K) which is deemed to be a component part of the Customer Tariff.
In the absence of information on the proportion of water consumed by humans by business type in Ireland and sparse international evidence of same, the CER has decided to approve the methodology of determining the appropriate discount set out in Irish Water’s document “Water Quality and Large Non-Domestic Customer Tariff Discounts – CER Approved Process” (CER/15/183), which is published alongside this Paper.
CER/15/039) can be found on the CER website, Group 2: Large Water Users not Involved in the Manufacture of Food and Drink ProductsThe second group of Large Water Users are those that do not appear on the list in Appendix 1 of Irish Water’s Water Quality and Large Non-Domestic Customer Tariff Discounts (CER/15/039) (and Appendix A of this paper).
The Wheeling Customer Tariff mirrors the Large User Medium Voltage Time of Use Tariff, and therefore increases by the average 4.83% across all components.
WaterSure **£178.20£178.20£178.20**) Formerly Vulnerable Customer Tariff, available to Qualifying Persons as defined in the Water Industry (Charges) (VulnerableGroups) Regulations 1999) who pay a metered charge.
Meter Tariff Index and Customer Tariff Class must not be linked in the system in order to avoid key changes when tariffs are changed, for instance from an Indigent to Domestic tariff.
Levels of Customer Tariff (Water Supply) The levels of Customer Tariff (Water Supply) at [DATE] prices for the first five Contract Years are shown in Table 1 TABLE 1 –Levels of Customer Tariff (Water Supply) Levels of Customer Tariff (Sewerage) The Levels of Customer Tariff (Sewerage) at [DATE] prices for the first five (5) Contract Years are shown in Table 2.
With that information in a year’s time, the CER will be in a better position to quantify the benefits of proceeding with the study.If the CER decides to proceed with a micro-component study at that time, the results of that study may be used to develop a new method for applying discounts for water not fit for human consumption to LWUs which would replace the one set out in the Irish Water document “Water Quality and Large Non-Domestic Customer Tariff Discounts – CER Approved Process” (CER/15/183).