Customer Terms definition
Examples of Customer Terms in a sentence
Certain words are used with the specific meanings set out below or in the General Terms section of Our Customer Terms.
The Retailer Terms and Conditions and these Customer Terms and Conditions together form the Terms and Conditions of Electric Distribution Service of FortisAlberta (the “Terms and Conditions”).
These Customer Terms and Conditions will also govern the relationship between FortisAlberta and a Retailer or any other person whom the Customer has assigned to act on its behalf in its dealings with FortisAlberta, regarding the provision of wire service on its Electric Distribution System.
These Customer Terms and Conditions serve as a companion to the Retailer Terms and Conditions which are intended to enable Retailers to acquire access to FortisAlberta's Electric Distribution System for the purposes of allowing them to sell electricity directly to Customers.
These Customer Terms and Conditions govern the relationship between FortisAlberta and Customers that require a Service Connection to FortisAlberta’s Electric Distribution System or other services.