Date for Substantial Completion definition
Examples of Date for Substantial Completion in a sentence
If the Contractor does not have the Project Substantially Complete by the specified Date for Substantial Completion or Finally Complete within 14 days of achieving Substantial Completion (“Date of Final Completion”), the Contractor shall pay the Owner (and the Owner may set off from sums coming due the Contractor) Liquidated Damages in the per diem amounts as set forth in the following tables, whichever may be applicable.
If the Contractor does not have its Work on the Project Substantially Complete by the specified Date for Substantial Completion or Finally Complete by the Date of Final Completion, the Contractor shall pay the Owner (and the Owner may set off from sums coming due the Contractor) Liquidated Damages in the per diem amounts as set forth in the following tables, whichever may be applicable.
The total amounts of Liquidated Damages will be calculated based on the total number of calendar days beyond the Date for Substantial Completion that the Bidder’s Work is not Substantially Complete.
This year, an added exercise called “The Window of Work” was included to help the Co- Chairs and Executive Director best understand and utilize the individual skills and interests of the Board members, and ensure that the volunteer Directors are receiving as well as contributing through their involvement with the CBT.
In addition to such Liquidated Damages, the Bidder shall indemnify, defend, and hold the City and its employees and agents harmless from any and all claims, whether or not such claims are proven, and from all costs and expenses incurred as a result of such claims, including but not limited to attorneys’ and experts’ fees and expenses, and additional inspection costs that arise out of or are related to the Bidder’s failure to Substantially Complete its Work by its Date for Substantial Completion.
The Date for Substantial Completion shall only be changed or modified by Change Order, other Modification, or a Claim that is Finally Resolved regardless of any dates in any schedules, including the Construction Progress Schedule, created by any person, including the Contractor.
By submitting the Bid, Bidder acknowledges that it understands the time frames and flow of the work and can complete all work by the scheduled Date for Substantial Completion as defined in Article 4 of the Construction Agreement (including meeting interim milestones), for the Bid amount submitted.
The Date for Substantial Completion may be extended only by Change Order or other modification signed by the Park District.
No increase in the Contract Sum shall be made and no extension of the Scheduled Date for Substantial Completion shall be allowable, however, for any conditions (whether or not indicated by the Contract Documents) ascertainable by a careful Project Site inspection by Contractor.
The Contract Time is the period of time from (1) the date specified in the Notice to Proceed as the date upon which the Contractor is to commence the Work (the "Start Date"), through (2) the Finish Date for Substantial Completion or Final Completion, as appropriate.