Decisional employee definition

Decisional employee means the As- sistant Secretary, presiding officials at conferences, oral presentations or trial-type hearings, and any other em- ployee of the DOE, including consult- ants and contractors, who are, or may reasonably be expected to be, involved in the decision-making process, includ- ing advising the Assistant Secretary on the resolution of issues involved in a proceeding. The term includes those employees of the DOE assisting in the conduct of trial-type hearings by per- forming functions on behalf of the As- sistant Secretary or presiding official.
Decisional employee means any member of the Board’s or administra- tive law judge’s staff who has not en- gaged in an investigative or prosecu- torial role in a proceeding and who may assist the Agency or the adminis- trative law judge, respectively, in pre- paring orders, recommended decisions, decisions, and other documents under the Uniform Rules.
Decisional employee means any member of the OCC’s or administrative law judge’s staff who has not engaged in an investigative or prosecutorial role in a proceeding and who may as- sist the OCC or the administrative law judge, respectively, in preparing or- ders, recommended decisions, deci- sions, and other documents under the Uniform Rules.

Examples of Decisional employee in a sentence

  • Decisional employee means any employee of the Bureau who has not engaged in: (1) Assisting the initiating official in either determining whether to issue a Notice of Reasonable Cause, or presenting the initiating official's position in support of a Notice of Reasonable Cause, either in writing or in a supplemental oral response, to the Associate Director; or (2) Assisting the Associate Director in the preparation of a recommended determination.

More Definitions of Decisional employee

Decisional employee means any member of the Comptroller’s or admin- istrative law judge’s staff who has not engaged in an investigative or prosecu- torial role in a proceeding and who may assist the Comptroller or the ad- ministrative law judge, respectively, in preparing orders, recommended deci- sions, decisions, and other documents under the Uniform Rules.
Decisional employee means a Com- missioner or member of his or her per- sonal staff, an administrative law judge, or any other employee of the Commission, or contractor, who is or may reasonably be expected to be in- volved in the decisional process of a proceeding, but does not include an em- ployee designated as part of the Com- mission’s trial staff in a proceeding, a settlement judge appointed under Rule 603, a neutral (other than an arbi- trator) under Rule 604 in an alternative dispute resolution proceeding, or an employee designated as being non- decisional in a proceeding.
Decisional employee means anymember of the Comptroller’s or ALJ’s staff who has not engaged in an investigative or prosecutorial role in a proceeding and who may assist the Comptroller or the administrative law judge, respectively, in preparing orders, recommended decisions, decisions, and other documents under the Uniform Rules.
Decisional employee means: (i) The administrative law judge assigned to the proceeding in question; and(ii) All members of the staff of the Office of Opinions and Review; and(iii) The legal and executive assist- ants to members of the Commission; and(iv) Any employee of the Commission who has been specifically named by order of the administrative law judge or the Commission in the proceeding to assist thereafter in making or recom- mending a particular decision; and(v) Any other employee of the Com- mission who is, or may reasonably be expected to be, involved in the decisional process of the proceeding.[42 FR 14690, Mar. 16, 1977, as amended at 60FR 32795, June 23, 1995; 69 FR 13175, Mar. 19,2004] Securities and Exchange Commission § 200.114 § 200.112 Duties of recipient; notice to participants.
Decisional employee means; (i) The administrative law judge assigned to the proceeding in question; and
Decisional employee means any member of the Federal Deposit Insur- ance Corporation’s or administrative law judge’s staff who has not engaged in an investigative or prosecutorial role in a proceeding and who may as- sist the Board of Directors or the ad- ministrative law judge, respectively, in preparing orders, recommended deci- sions, decisions, and other documents under the Uniform Rules.
Decisional employee means any commissioner, presiding officer or staff member in an adjudicative proceeding who is specifically assigned to render a decision or make findings of fact and conclusions of law or to assist or advise the commission or presiding officer with respect to issues of law, fact or procedure, in accordance with this subdivision.