Examples of Delivery Facility in a sentence
The Transporter may agree pursuant to a Network Entry Agreement or Network Exit Provisions (or other agreement with the relevant person) upon procedures or steps to be taken in a Gas Supply Emergency by the Transporter or another Transporter or a Delivery Facility Operator or Connected System Operator and may give effect to such procedures or steps in addition to or in lieu of any Emergency Steps pursuant to this Section Q.
This Modification proposes to change one of the UNC processes which enable gas quality limits to be amended between National Grid NTS and a Delivery Facility Operator (DFO).
It does not include maintenance carried out upstream of the NTS by Delivery Facility Operators (DFO’s) and Producers or downstream of the NTS by the Distribution Networks and other NTS connected parties.
Following the giving of such notice, the Parties shall meet as soon as reasonably practicable to discuss in good faith the implications of the proposed modification on the Delivery Facility or Entry Facility (as the case may be).
The ability of a Delivery Facility Operator (“DFO”) to deliver gas to the NTS at an entry point (or subterminal) is limited by the Network Entry Provisions contained in the relevant bilateral Network Entry Agreement between the DFO and National Grid NTS.