Examples of Design Data in a sentence
Signed by: NAME: AFFILIATION: EMAIL: AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION: Study Concept or Design Data Collection Data Analysis or Interpretation Writing the Paper Others ORCID: We agree to the terms as set out in the Agreement.
NAME: AFFILIATION: EMAIL: AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION: Study Concept or Design Data Collection Data Analysis or Interpretation Writing the Paper Others ORCID: We agree to the terms as set out in the Agreement.
The basis for design will be the data in CDOT Form 463, Design Data.
SD-05 Design Data Design calculations, mix designs, analyses or other data pertaining to a part of work.
Signed by: 9 [v.122016] NAME: AFFILIATION: EMAIL: AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION: Study Concept or Design Data Collection Data Analysis or Interpretation Writing the Paper Others ORCID: We agree to the terms as set out in the Agreement.