Developed area definition
Developed area means a spacing unit on which a well has been completed that is capable of producing oil or gas, or the acreage that is otherwise attributed to a well by the department for allowable purposes.
Developed area or Developed Unit" shall mean a drainage unit having a well completed therein which is capable of producing oil or gas in paying quantities.
Developed area or “developed unit” means an area or unit having a completed well which is capable of producing oil or gas in profitable quantities.
Examples of Developed area in a sentence
Remarks Regulation No, 43 Annex 1 Appendix 8 For each of the windscreens covered by this approval, at least the following particulars shall be provided : Vehicle nanufacturer Type of vehicle Vehicle category Developed area (F) Height of segment (h) Curvature (r) Installation angle (o<) Seat-back angle (^) R-point coordinates (A,3,C) relative to the centre of the upper edge of the windscreen.
More Definitions of Developed area
Developed area means an area within a floodplain desig- nated by a municipality and approved by the department which contains a minimum of 20 potential residential lots or a minimum of 5 acres of land zoned commercial, industrial or institutional wherein existing structures constitute a minimum of 50% of the structures that could be accommodated by the respective zoning density. The limits of the developed area are defined by a line con- necting the existing structures on the outer perimeter of the major- ity of the structures. Vacant lots within that boundary are treated the same as lots with existing structures.
Developed area means that the area is developed or maintained for a particular purpose such as use as a park, garden, railway, road or other access route, navigation channel, municipal facility or infrastructure facility, such as power lines, telecommunication lines or electricity infrastructure.
Developed area means an area of a community that is:
Developed area means that area of a lot containing any improvements for the accommodation of a building, accessory building, structure, storage or parking or circulation area, landscaping or anything or device to facilitate the permitted use.
Developed area means that portion of a plot or parcel upon which a building, structure, pavement or other improvements have been placed which does not meet the definition of "undeveloped area."
Developed area means the spacing unit on which a well has been completed that is capable
Developed area means collectively the Developed Areas within the Concession Area as at the Effective Date reflected in the maps annexed hereto marked Annexure [B1] or, if the context is appropriate any one of them;