Examples of Development Policies in a sentence
These principles are in conformance with the state’s Conservation and Development Policies Plan for Connecticut (C&D Plan), and the current Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice 2015.
Mitigation Measures from Uniformly Applied Development Policies and Standards: All applicable mitigation measures from the General Plan EIR, including the mitigation measures for aesthetic/visual impacts incorporated as goals and policies in the General Plan, will be applied to the project.
Mitigation Measures from Uniformly Applied Development Policies and Standards: All applicable mitigation measures from the General Plan EIR, including the mitigation measures for biological resources impacts incorporated as goals and policies in the General Plan, will be applied to the project.
INFORMATIVES (1) This application has been assessed against the relevant policies of the London Plan 2011, Sutton's Core Planning Strategy 2009 and the Site Development Policies DPD 2012.
Mitigation Measures from Uniformly Applied Development Policies and Standards: All applicable mitigation measures from the General Plan EIR, including the mitigation measures for geology and soils impacts incorporated as goals and policies in the Rocklin General Plan will be applied to the project.
Yes/No; if yes specify the broad areas (drop box: Governance and Administration, Economic Reforms, Inclusive Development Policies, Energy security, Water, Food Security, Sustainable Business Principles, Others)We strongly campaign the cause of Governance and Administration for advancement of public good.Principle 81.
Mitigation Measures from Uniformly Applied Development Policies and Standards: Historically significant structures and sites as well as the potential for the discovery of unknown archaeological or paleontological resources as a result of development activities are discussed in the Rocklin General Plan.
Yes/ No; if yes specify the broad areas (drop box: Governance and Administration, Economic Reforms, Inclusive Development Policies, Energy Security, Water, Food Security, Sustainable Business Principles, Others) The Company makes efforts to leverage its membership with Trade and Industry Association to further contribute on specific sustainable business issues, such as ethics, safety, governance, etc.
Woodland Development Policies have been established by the Township of Drummond / North Elmsley.
Mitigation Measures from Uniformly Applied Development Policies and Standards: All applicable mitigation measures from the General Plan EIR, including the mitigation measures for impacts to public services incorporated as goals and policies in the Rocklin General Plan, will be applied to the project.