Do-not-resuscitate order means that term as defined in section 2 of the Michigan do-not-resuscitate procedure act, 1996 PA 193, MCL 333.1052.
right to information means the right to information accessible under this Act which is held by or under the control of any public authority and includes the right to—
Ability to Organize Full Abilities Limited Abilities Comments: Memory: Full Abilities Limited Abilities Comments: Social Interaction: Full Abilities Limited Abilities Comments: Communication: Full Abilities Limited Abilities Comments: Please identify the assessment tool(s) used to determine the above abilities (Examples: Lifting tests, grip strength tests, Anxiety Inventories, Self-Reporting, etc. Additional comments on Limitations (not able to do) and/or Restrictions (should/must not do) for all medical conditions:
Direct threat means a significant risk of substantial harm to the health or safety of the individual or others that cannot be eliminated or reduced by reasonable accommodation. The de- termination that an individual with a disability poses a direct threat shall be based on an individualized assessment of the individual’s present ability to perform safely the essential functions of the job. This assessment shall be based on a reasonable medical judg- ment that relies on the most current medical knowledge and/or on the best available objective evidence. In deter- mining whether an individual would pose a direct threat, the factors to be considered include:
Consult agreement means an agreement that has been entered into under section 4729.39 of the Revised Code.
right of use means any right we have to use, in our own name and on our own account or the account of another counterparty, financial instruments received by us by way of collateral under a security collateral arrangement between you and us;
the other party means, with respect to the Company, Parent and means, with respect to Parent, the Company.
Intimidating, threatening, abusive, or harming conduct means, but is not limited to, conduct that does the following:
Term of this Agreement means the term of the current collective agreement between the Board and the Association;
the/this Agreement means the agreement as set out in this document and the Appendices hereto;
Consequential Damages means Losses claimed to have resulted from any indirect, incidental, reliance, special, consequential, punitive, exemplary, multiple or any other Loss, including damages claimed to have resulted from harm to business, loss of anticipated revenues, savings, or profits, or other economic Loss claimed to have been suffered not measured by the prevailing Party’s actual damages, and any other damages typically considered consequential damages under Applicable Law, regardless of whether the Parties knew or had been advised of the possibility that such damages could result in connection with or arising from anything said, omitted, or done hereunder or related hereto, including willful acts or omissions.
right of access means the right to be admitted to invest in the territory of the other Contracting Party, subject to the limits resulting from international agreements binding on both Contracting Parties.
Punitive Damages are those damages awarded as a penalty, the amount of which is neither governed nor fixed by statute.
Court appointed special advocate means a volunteer guardian ad litem appointed by the court who is responsible for: researching the background of assigned child abuse, neglect and dependency cases; representing the child's best interests; speaking for the child in all hearings, reviews and other relevant case activities; monitoring the child during the life of the case; and advocating for a safe and permanent home for the child.
Substantial damage means damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its before damaged condition would equal or exceed 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred.
Termination of parental rights means the permanent elimination of all parental rights and duties, including residual parental rights and duties, by court order.
Exclusive representative means the labor organization that, as a result of certification by
Invitation to Negotiate means a written solicitation for competitive sealed replies to select one or more vendors with which to commence negotiations for the procurement of commodities or services.
and Lessor s agents shall have the right to enter the Premises at any time, in the case of an emergency, and otherwise at reasonable times for the purpose of showing the same to prospective purchasers, lenders, or lessees, and making such alterations, repairs, improvements or additions to the Premises or to the Building, as Lessor may reasonably deem necessary. Lessor may at any time place on or about the Premises or Building any ordinary "For Sale" signs and Lessor may at any time during the last one hundred eighty (180) days of the term hereof place on or about the Premises any ordinary "For Lease" signs. All such activities of Lessor shall be without abatement of rent or liability to Lessee.
Direct Damage has the meaning given in clause 24.2; "Dispute" has the meaning given in clause 23.1;
Maximum extent practicable means the highest level of performance that is achievable but is not equivalent to a performance standard identified in this ordinance as determined in accordance with S. 055 of this ordinance.
Exclusive Right to Sell listing means that if you, the owner of the property, find a buyer for your house, or if another broker finds a buyer, you must pay the agreed commission to the present broker.
Influencing or attempting to influ- ence means making, with the intent to influence, any communication to or ap- pearance before an officer or employee or any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with any covered Federal action.
Instructions to Consultants (Section 2 of the RFP) means the document which provides shortlisted Consultants with all information needed to prepare their Proposals.
Legal Action means and includes any claim, counterclaim, demand, action, suit, counterclaim, arbitration, inquiry, proceeding or investigation before any
Intentionally means that the person referred to has a purpose to do or fail to do the act or cause the result specified or believes that the act or failure to act, if successful, will cause that result. A person "intentionally" violates a statute: