Eligible Homebuyer definition

Eligible Homebuyer means one or more natural persons or a household, irrespective of race, creed, religion, national origin, or sex, determined by the Corporation to be of very low or low to moderate income and who will utilize the Unit as their primary residence.
Eligible Homebuyer means a household with dependents, where total household income is at or below the Second Quintile of Family Housing Income (2QFI) for Manitoba and where the household does not currently own a home or have any vested interest in a residential property.
Eligible Homebuyer means one or more natural persons or a household, irrespective of race, creed, religion, national origin, or sex, determined by the Corporation to be of very low or low to moderate income and who will utilize the home as their primary residence. In determining the income standards of eligible persons for its various programs, the Corporation shall take into account the following factors:

Examples of Eligible Homebuyer in a sentence

  • In addition, the Accepted Proponent(s) must ensure that the Eligible Homebuyer registers a mortgage to secure Manitoba Housing’s forgivable loan in the event the home is sold, rented, transferred or ceases to be occupied by the Eligible Homebuyer during the forgiveness period.

  • The assumable HOME deferred payment loan will have an interest rate of 0% and be assumable by an Eligible Homebuyer during the affordability period.

  • Accepted Proponents must facilitate the purchase of each home to an Eligible Homebuyer.

  • Eligible Homebuyer Program activities include acquisition, rehabilitation, new construction, and lease-purchase.

  • The escrow period shall be no longer than necessary to satisfy the conditions required to close the escrow and convey the Home to the Eligible Homebuyer.

More Definitions of Eligible Homebuyer

Eligible Homebuyer means one or more adult members of a Household who sign the Deed of Trust, related Promissory Note and other documents required for a second mortgage, who have completed a homebuyer education program, and whose Household has an Annual Income (as of the date of signing the purchase agreement in the case of new home being constructed, or as of the date of purchase in the case of an existing home) that does not exceed the lesser of:
Eligible Homebuyer means a household with a dependent(s), where total household income is at or below the Affordable Housing Program Income Limit for Manitoba and where the household does not currently own a home or have any vested or beneficial interest in a residential property.
Eligible Homebuyer means a household with a dependent(s), where total household income is at or below the Second Quintile of Family Income (2QFI) for Manitoba (See definition below) and where the household does not currently own a home or have any vested or beneficial interest in a residential property.
Eligible Homebuyer means one or more natural persons or a household, irrespective of race,
Eligible Homebuyer means one or more adult members of a Household who sign the Deed of Trust, related Promissory Note and other documents required for a Second Mortgage, who have completed a Homebuyer Education Program, and whose Household has an Annual Income (as of the date of signing the purchase agreement in the case of new home being constructed, or as of the date of purchase in the case of an existing home) that does not exceed the lesser of: 1. eighty percent (80%) of the median family income for the Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill, NC-SC HUD Metro FMR Area, as then most recently published by HUD, adjusted downward in the case of a Household size of less than four persons, and adjusted upward in the case of a Household size of more than four persons, in each case by the same percentages as are applied by HUD to adjust eligible income levels for occupancy of public housing; and 2. the maximum income level permitted by federal regulations applicable to loans of HOME Funds for homebuyer assistance.
Eligible Homebuyer means the persons or household eligible to purchase a Home after the completion of the Rehabilitation Project, as described in Section 5.2 of this Agreement.
Eligible Homebuyer means one or more natural persons, irrespective of race, creed, religion, national origin, or sex, determined by the Corporation to be fully qualified and who will utilize the Unit as their primary residence.