End User Documentation definition
Examples of End User Documentation in a sentence
At its own cost and expense, Customer and its Distributors will take all necessary steps in making proposals and agreements with sovereign governments other than the U.S. Government which involve Software and End User Documentation to ensure that Sun's proprietary rights in Software and End User Documentation receive the reasonably necessary protection available from such foreign governments for commercial computer software and related documentation developed at private expense.
Customer shall submit its Customer Products containing Software, End User Documentation or other materials licensed hereunder to Sun for approval pursuant to this Section 2.5 ("Trademarks, Logos and Product Designs; Proprietary Notices") prior to distribution, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
Creative shall not make any representations or warranties concerning the Licensed Products, except as set forth in End User Documentation and other materials provided by Licensor or as otherwise approved in writing by Licensor.
Customer shall reproduce any proprietary rights notices of Sun and/or contributing third parties contained in or on all copies of Software, End User Documentation, packaging and related materials, in whole or in part, developed or made by Customer or its Distributors.
If the Major Update does not comply with the End User Documentation prepared by TEL for such Major Update, KLA shall give TEL written notice of such noncompliance.