Principles of Operation. The Council shall operate its programs, services, and business activities in keeping with the purposes, philosophy, and standards described in the LULAC Constitution and its By-Laws and this Agreement.
Principles of Operation. The CIF Principles of Operation reflect the principles from the Working With Communities Policy and set out how this funding will be applied for, approved and administered. The CIF Principles are separately provided to Members.
Principles of Operation. 3.1 In adopting this document the parties agree to: • Continue to promote the spirit of co-operation that exists between the relevant agencies; • Recognise the benefits to be derived from developing close working relationships; • Seek to enhance the understanding of the advantages and opportunities which joint activity can bring to effective enforcement and community safety; • Promote the legitimate exchange of information and operational co-operation in support of shared objectives.
3.2 Each party to this protocol undertakes: • To regularly consult with each other upon matters of policy and strategy; • To ensure that the information it holds is accurate and up to date; • That information disclosed by any party will be kept secure by the partner to whom it has been provided.
3.3 All parties to this protocol agree when handling the media: • To be fair to other organisations and maintain their integrity; • When providing information to do so honestly and fairly; • Statements must reflect the multi-agency decision process or, clearly identify the statement as the independent position of an individual organisation; • Consent of the data owner will be sought prior to releases of information to all third parties.
Principles of Operation. 7.1 Any Individual Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Centre or surgeon wishing to participate must fill in the ACD registration form and they will become a Participator when their registration is accepted by the Committee.
7.2 The Participators are responsible for:
7.2.1 Providing accurate, complete and truthful information;
7.2.2 Ensuring that participation in the ACD complies with any applicable local laws and internal procedures;
7.2.3 Advising the Committee of any change in circumstances affecting its participation or the reliability and completeness of the data that it is supplying.
7.3 EACTS reserves the right to refuse registration of the Participator and may terminate participation at any time or make continued participation conditional upon such terms as it may impose.
8.1 The reliability of the submitted data is a vital element of the operation of the ACD.
8.2 Data may be inserted into the ACD by the registered Participators only.
8.3 Data is submitted using the fields supplied by the Committee.
8.4 Participators undertake to ensure that the inserted data is accurate, complete and robust. They undertake to
8.4.1 Crosscheck data against other local sources of data, such as operative logs or administrative data to ensure that case ascertainment is complete;
8.4.2 Utilise local independent sources of mortality to ensure that mortality returns are accurate;
8.4.3 Monitor data accuracy to ensure that risk factors are reliably recorded.
8.5 EACTS is not obliged to verify whether the input data fulfils these requirements. However,
8.5.1 the Committee reserve the right to remove data from the ACD or take such other steps as may seem appropriate if it suspects that data is not robust or for any other reason.
8.5.2 The Committee shall have an unfettered right to such steps as it considers necessary to audit the data inserted by any Participator.
8.6 Participators are responsible for ensuring that only properly authorized persons submit data to the ACD.
8.7 EACTS shall not be responsible for any inaccuracies and shall be indemnified by Participators in respect of any harm caused to any person in any way as a result of inaccurate data being supplied or information being supplied without the required consent.
8.8 The Committee shall have an unfettered right to remove any data from the ACD without being required to give any reason.
Principles of Operation. 2.2.1 Pursuing the Primary Objective In pursuing the Primary Objective, the Company shall:
Principles of Operation. The period between 1 September of one year and 31 August of the following year inclusive shall be deemed to constitute the water year. The various kinds of flow shall normally be computed on a weekly basis. A quantity of water equivalent to the yield diverted over a one-week period shall normally be delivered during the following week at a steady rate of flow with a permissible deviation of plus or minus 10 per cent. Total surpluses or shortfalls in weekly return deliveries, excluding surplus quantities over and above the permissible deviation of 10 per cent, must be compensated every four weeks, such water to be restored during the fifth week at a steady rate of flow and in accordance with the accumulated readings taken between the beginning and end of the said four-week period. The quantity of water which may still be required to attain delivery of the guaranteed minimum annual flow of 20 million cubic metres shall be computed on 15 July of each year; any shortfall of water shall be delivered at a steady rate of flow during the second half of July and the month of August, the adjustments necessary to take account of the natural flow being made every fortnight. The Supervisory Commission provided for in article 2 of the Agreement relating Lake Lanoux shall meet in mid-July each year in order to establish specific procedures to ensure the minimum annual guaranteed return flow, taking into account the probable summer yield. EXCHANGE OF LETTERS CONSTITUTING AN AGREEMENT 4 BETWEEN FRANCE AND SPAIN AMENDING THE ARRANGEMENT OF 12 JULY 1958 2 RELATING TO LAKE LANOUX Sir, At its meeting of 28 September 1965, the Joint Franco-Spanish Supervisory Commission for the development of Lake Lanoux proposed that the text of the Arrangement referred to in article 1 of the Franco-Spanish Agreement of 12 July 1958 5 relating, to Lake Lanoux, and annexed to that Agreement, should be amended. The Commission proposes the following new text for the Arrangement: Water diverted from the Lanoux natural catchment basin to the Hospitalet falls is drawn off from the flow of the Xxxxx. The flow thus diverted shall be returned to the Xxxxx through a gallery approximately five kilometres in length, the "Ariege-Xxxxx gallery"; water from the Ariege shall be directed through an intake situated at elevation 1575 metres into the said gallery, which shall be of sufficient capacity to ensure a flow of five cubic metres per second. Such water shall be returned to the Xxxxx before the border, do...
Principles of Operation. It is hereby agreed that diverted flow and return flow shall be equalized each year within the annual accounting periods stipulated below: - In the case of diverted flow, the water year shall be established as the following period: 1 September of a given year to 31 August of the following year. - In the case of return flow, the water year shall be the period 1 May - 30 April following the start of the water year for diverted flow. Where less than 20 million cubic metres of water are diverted from Lake Lanoux in any given water year, the return flow to be effected during the corresponding water year shall be not less than 20 million cubic metres. Return delivery shall be effected through the Ariege-Xxxxx gallery from the beginning of May onwards. It shall be continued until the diverted flow is fully compensated. The rate of flow through the gallery may be reduced, except in July and August, in order to limit the extent of any temporary surplus of return flow over diverted flow. Where, in exceptional circumstances, the requisite compensation has not been made by 30 September:
(a) In the case of a shortfall, return delivery shall be maintained during the months of October, November, March and April, with a break during the months of December, January and February. However, where the minimum quantity of 20 million cubic metres has still not been restored, return delivery shall be maintained without interruption until that figure is reached.
(b) In the case of a surplus, compensation shall be made during the following year, the excess quantities delivered during the previous year being deducted from the return flow due to be effected during the current year. Unforeseen difficulties [Signed]
Principles of Operation. An Aggregate Authority that agrees to follow the Principles of Operation in this section will face limitations on the degree to which it can control aggregate components and collect information about them. These limitations will vary by aggregate. For example, aggregates that make heavy use of resources from opt-in users may have little or no control of resources being shared by the opt-in user, except to disconnect or allow user's access to GENI. This agreement cannot define principles for every conceivable aggregate, but it is expected that participating AAs will document and share important limitations on their ability to follow the principles in this section.
Principles of Operation. The Company undertaking discretionary investment service shall duly abide applicable regulation. In addition, the Company shall also duly observe Article III of the Self-Discipline Regulations for SITCA Members whereby all members of SITCA shall uphold the 7 principles in operation and materialize the spirit of these principles into management practice 1. Law Abiding understand all applicable legal rules and no violation or assisting a third party in the violation of laws.
Principles of Operation. An electromagnetic (EM) prototype flowmeter (Figure I-1) was developed at the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Engineering Laboratory in Norris, Tennessee. It consists of an electromagnet and two electrodes that are cast in a durable epoxy. The epoxy is molded in a cylindrical shape to minimize turbulence associated with channeling water past the electrodes and electromagnet. Having no moving parts, the flowmeter operates according to Xxxxxxx's Law of Induction, which states that the voltage induced across a conductor moving at right angles through a magnetic field is directly proportional to the translational velocity of the conductor. Flowing water is the conductor, the electromagnet generates a magnetic field, and the electrodes are used to measure the induced voltage. Electronics connected to the electrodes transmit a voltage that is directly proportional to the velocity of the water.