Examples of Environmental and Social Management Plans in a sentence
Such management measures might include Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) or other management plans, though can also include aspects of a project’s design; refer to Question 6 in the SESP template for a summary of the identified management measures.A given project should be assessed against the version of UNDP’s safeguards policy that was in effect at the time of the project’s approval.
Therefore, the ESMF has recommended a site specific environmental and social assessments followed by Site Specific Environmental and Social Management Plans (SSE&SMP) for each site.
Therefore, the ESMF has recommended a site specific environmental and social assessments followed by Site Specific Environmental and Social Management Plans (SSE & SMP) for each site.
Therefore, the ESMF has recommended a site specific environmental and social assessments followed by site specific Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMP) for each site.
Traffic signs and wildlife passes, where needed, canals be included in the road design.The Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) will therefore ensure the protection of the Parks as well as their biodiversity.
However, the Environmental and Social Management Plans will be more specific about the areas and the generated impacts.
It also defines the procedures for conducting/preparing Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) and/or Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) as and when required.
Role of supervision consultantThe consultant must ensure the implementation of Environmental and Social Management Plans as per the ESRs and ESMPs along with afore mentioned COVID related activities / protocols.• Ensure that the necessary PPEs (as per contract) have been issued to the staff by the respective contractor.
The goals, objectives, and principles of and the legal framework for, as well as the processes through which resettlement will be planned and implemented for all resettlements occasioned by the PNG LNG Project as a whole are set out in the Environmental and Social Management Plans.
Recruitment of an environmental and social specialist to develop site specific Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) for all the sub-projects before commencement.