Example 1 definition
Examples of Example 1 in a sentence
Example 1: You made 12 or fewer consecutive payments for the item in Original Medicare and then joined our plan.
See also "brokered deposits" and "hypothecated deposits." Examples Illustrating Distinctions BetweenMONEY MARKET DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS (MMDAs) and OTHER SAVINGS DEPOSITS Example 1 A savings deposit account permits no transfers of any type to other accounts or to third parties.
Example 1: Lincoln (CILCO) unit breaks down in the northern part of its territory.
Example 1: Withdrawal equal to the GAWA when the Contract Value has decreased due to negative market performance.
Furthermore, K is related to F, the cap purchaser in para- graph (f)(4) Example 1 of this section.(b) K’s option agreements with L reduce risk with respect to F’s cap agreement withE.