Excepted Risks definition
Examples of Excepted Risks in a sentence
All water, which may accumulate on the site during the progress of the works or in trenches and excavations, from other than the Excepted Risks, shall be removed from the site to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge and at the Contractor’s expense.
All water, which may accumulate on the site during the progress of the works or in trenches and excavations, from other than the Excepted Risks, shall be removed from the site to the satisfaction of the Engineer‐in‐charge and at the Contractor’s expense.
The value of re-execution of work, which is lost or damaged in Excepted Risks, shall be ascertained in the same rate under the Contract and added to the contract sum as deviation.
In the event of any such damage, loss or injury happening from any of the Excepted Risks, the contract shall if and of the extent required by the Engineer and subject always to the provisions of clause 82 hereof “Special Risks” repair and make good the same as aforesaid at the cost of the Employer.
All water, which may accumulate ou the site duriug the progress of the works or iu treuches aud excavatious, from other thau the Excepted Risks, shall be removed from the site to the satisfactiou of the Eugiueer- iu-charge aud at the Coutractor‘s expeuse.