False Positive definition

False Positive is defined as the ratio of legitimate business email incorrectly identified as spam by the filtering system to all email processed by the service in a calendar month.
False Positive is defined as the ratio of legitimate business email incorrectly identified as spam by the filtering system to all email processed by the service in an Applicable Period. Complete, original messages, including all headers, must be reported to the abuse team. Applies to email sent to valid mailboxes only. You acknowledge that classification of false positives is subjective and understand that we will make a good faith estimation of the false positive ratio based on evidence timely supplied by you. This False Positive Service Level shall not apply to: bulk, personal, or pornographic email email containing a majority of non-English content email blocked by a policy rule, reputation filtering, or SMTP connection filtering email delivered to the junk folder The Service Credit available for the False Positive Service is: False Positive Ratio in an Applicable Period Service Credit > 1:250,000 25% > 1:10,000 50% > 1:100 100% Appendix B - Service Level Commitment for Uptime With respect to EOP licensed as a standalone Service, ECAL suite, or Exchange Enterprise CAL with Services, you may be eligible for Service Credits if we do not meet the Service Level described below for Uptime. Uptime Percentage: If the Uptime Percentage for EOP falls below 99.999% for any given Applicable Period, you may be eligible for the following Service Credit: Uptime Percentage Service Credit <99.999% 25% <99.0% 50% <98.0% 100%
False Positive means a legitimate email incorrectly identified as spam by the Service. Emails which do not constitute business email, emails sent from a compromised machine, emails sent from a machine on a third-party block list, or where the senders mail server does not fully comply with SMTP standards as defined in RFC 2821 & 2822 shall not constitute as false positives. Service Availability

Examples of False Positive in a sentence

  • See (i) Appendix 1 – Service Level Commitment for Virus Detection and Blocking, Spam Effectiveness, or False Positive and (ii) Appendix 2 – Service Level Commitment for Uptime and Email Delivery.

More Definitions of False Positive

False Positive. This means that, if the student is taking any over-the-counter or prescription medications, the test may produce positive reading. In addition, certain foods have been known to produce false-positive results. Students who test positive will be requested to disclose the identity of any prescription medication they were taking at the time of the test. All files regarding the drug testing program will be kept separate from the mandatory school files required for each student. The test results shall not be made known to any school officials other than the athletic director and/or other school administrators and school board members. Any negligent or intentional disclosure of test results by any school official to anyone who does not have a need to know may be grounds for disciplinary action. Test results will be turned over to the police or other law enforcement authorities in accordance with state law.
False Positive means that all files are added to the Bloom filter, next file f is removed (we implemented counting Bloom filters for testing purposes) and finally f is compared against the filter. If combined with -t, the filter excludes all files of -t type and compares them against it. In both cases matches are printed to stdio.
False Positive a flag set to an Incident indicating that an Incident was found by a manual process to be a false positive. When an Incident is marked as a False Positive the measurements of the Incident are not used for the Emergency Threshold calculations.
False Positive means a situation whereby a suspension or freeze action is taken on the basis of available information and upon further inquiry and receipt of additional clarifying information, such suspension or freeze action is determined not to be the correct course of action;
False Positive means an alarm which is generated indicating that a security incident has occurred which subsequent investigation determines is incorrect;
False Positive means a recommendation made by the selected Contractor to the Department to deny a claim for refund that the Department subsequently validates and pays in full. The Department retains sole discretion as to what constitutes a ‘false positive’ and a valid refund claim.
False Positive refers to a “no match” or different, name, middle initial, address and date of birth which delineates that it is not a positive hit. OMFLIC EXECUTION