Eligible Costs means the actual costs reasonably incurred by the Recipient:
Eligible cost means as applied to a qualified project to be financed from the federal accounts, the costs that are permitted under applicable federal laws, requirements, procedures, and guidelines in regard to establishing, operating, and providing assistance from the bank. As applied to a qualified project to be financed from the state highway account, these costs include the costs of preliminary engineering, traffic and revenue studies, environmental studies, right‑of‑way acquisition, legal and financial services associated with the development of the qualified project, construction, construction management, facilities, and other costs necessary for the qualified project. As applied to any qualified project to be financed from the state transit account, eligible project costs are limited to capital expenditures for transit equipment and facilities.
Covered Expenses means expenses actually incurred by or on behalf of a Covered Person for treatment, services and supplies covered by the Policy. Coverage under the Participating Organization’s Policy must remain continuously in force from the date of the Covered Accident or Sickness until the date treatment, services or supplies are received for them to be a Covered Expense. A Covered Expense is deemed to be incurred on the date such treatment, service or supply, that gave rise to the expense or the charge, was rendered or obtained.
Direct Costs means the sum of the following:
Eligible Project Costs means such portion of the Project costs disbursed and loaned from the OPWC to the Recipient for the sole and express purpose of acquiring, constructing, reconstructing, expanding, improving, engineering and equipping the Project, other direct expenses, and related financing costs thereto.