DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS. (a) The department may allow cost sharing for items identified under sub. (2) if necessary to im- plement a demonstration project. The department shall require demonstration projects to meet all of the following criteria to be considered eligible for cost sharing under this subsection:
1. The project shall be selected according to the process iden- tified in s. NR 155.20.
2. The project shall be determined by the department to have statewide or regional significance and shall be designed to provide results that are transferable to other locations within the state. This includes projects that demonstrate traditional or innovative management measures or urban best management practices need- ed in order to increase acceptance, use and understanding of cost− effectiveness, including pollutant control capability.
3. The project shall have an approved strategy for developing and disseminating information and education materials explain- ing the project and its management implications.
(b) The department may consult with the university of Wiscon- sin−extension or its agent in considering demonstration project proposals.
DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS. The Secretary may issue loan guarantees under this section to projects to demonstrate commercially the feasibility and viability of producing ethanol using sugarcane, sugarcane bagasse, and other sugarcane byproducts as a feedstock.
DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS. Notwithstanding the verification or certification requirement set forth in Section X.F.1, LAWA may allow diesel equipment used for construction related to the LAX Master Plan Program to be outfitted with a new emission control device designated by LAWA as “Demonstration Project” at an LAX Master Plan Program construction site, even if the device has not yet been certified or verified by CARB or EPA for use for on-road or off-road vehicles or engines. LAWA, in consultation with the Coalition Representative and LAWA contractors, shall establish processes to determine if a Demonstration Project using a new emission control technology is warranted, and how the project will be implemented. These devices shall, at minimum, meet all the pollution reduction requirements specified in Section X.F.3.
DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS. The department may establish alternative eligibility criteria for urban and rural demonstration projects. With prior department approval, urban and rural demon- stration projects meeting these alternative criteria may be imple- mented during the grant period. (6), renum. (7) to be (8) and am., cr. (7), Register, February, 1995, No. 470, eff. 3−1−95; r. (intro.), renum. (1) to (8) to be (2) (r) to (y), cr. (1) and (2) (a) to (q) and (3), Register, July, 1996, No. 487, eff. 8−1−96. NR 120.18 Cost−share rates. (1) STATE COST−SHARE RATES. (a) Maximum state cost−share rates for individual best management practices are identified in Table 2. The cost−share rates for best management practices under existing cost−share agreements may be amended to use the rates identified in this sec- tion. The following maximum state cost−share rates shall be reduced by 50% for landowners of critical sites when a cost−share agreement is signed after the period of cost−sharing availability for critical sites has ended. Contour farming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50%* Contour and field strip−cropping . . . . . . . . . . . 50%* High residue management systems . . . . . . . . . 50% Cropland protection cover (green manure) . . . 50% Nutrient management (not to exceed a total of 3 years) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50% Pesticide management (not to exceed a total of 3 years) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50% Livestock fencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50% Intensive grazing management . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50%**** Manure storage facilities − for first $20,000 costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70%***** Manure storage facilities − for remaining costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50%***** Pesticide spill control facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . 70% Animal waste system storage abandonment . . 70% Field diversions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70% Terraces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70% Grassed waterways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70% Critical area stabilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70% Grade stabilization structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70% Agricultural sediment basins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70% Shoreline and streambank protection . . . . . . . . 70% Shoreline buffers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70% Wetland restoration . . . ....
DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS. (a) The department may allow cost sharing for items identified under sub. (2) if necessary to im- plement a demonstration project. The department shall require demonstration projects to meet all of the following criteria to be considered eligible for cost sharing under this subsection:
1. The project shall be selected according to the process iden- tified in s. NR 155.20.
2. The project shall be determined by the department to have statewide or regional significance and shall be designed to provide results that are transferable to other locations within the state. This includes projects that demonstrate traditional or innovative management measures or urban best management practices need- ed in order to increase acceptance, use and understanding of cost− effectiveness, including pollutant control capability.
3. The project shall have an approved strategy for developing and disseminating information and education materials explain- ing the project and its management implications.
(b) The department may consult with the university of Wiscon- sin−extension or its agent in considering demonstration project proposals.
(4) COST−SHARE RATES AND COST−SHARE CONDITIONS. Cost− share rates and cost−share conditions identified in ch. NR 154 or the runoff management grant agreement shall be used for urban best management practices funded under this chapter.
(5) COST−EFFECTIVENESS. The state cost−sharing amount shall be the total cost of an eligible practice multiplied by the cost−share rate, unless otherwise provided for in this chapter or in ch. NR 154. Where 2 or more practices are of equal effectiveness in re- ducing pollutants, the amount of cost sharing shall be based on the least cost practice.
DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS. The department may establish alternative eligibility criteria for urban and rural demonstration Table 2 Maximum Practice state cost−share rate Note: Landowners or operators having a debt−to−asset ratio between 40% and 80% may wish to contact the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority’s Nonpoint Source Pollution (NSP) Loan Guarantee Program. The NSP program may guarantee an eligible borrower’s share of the cost to install eligible best management practices. For more information, please contact an Economic Develop- ment Representative at the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Author- ity (WHEDA), Xxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Suite 500, P.O. Box 1728, Madison, WI 53701−1728. XXXXX’s toll−free number is 1−800−642−6474.
DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS. FuelCellCo will create demonstration projects which will allow the public and those involved in the Offering to witness the fuel cells built with Anuvu developed technology in actual use. The current management team of Anuvu will promote these demonstration projects to the public with the approval and assistance of 618039 BC Limited and the media. Approximately one demonstration project per month within budget restraints will be completed and presented to the media until the time of the Offering. Due to the limited time and funds available, the fuel cells and other hardware used for one demonstration project may be used in another demonstration project. Each of the demonstration projects will be on the order of, or similar in scope to the following: golf cars, full automobiles, demonstration houses or representations thereof, forklifts, tractors, motor scooters and boats. Current Anuvu management will choose the demonstration project to release for public view each month based on the current progress on projects under development.
DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS. (1) The Department agrees not to enter into any demonstration projects affecting bargaining unit employees without first meeting its obligations under Article 49 of this Agreement.
(2) Demonstration projects will be carried out in accordance with 5 CFR Part 470.
DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS. SECTION A: (1) Personnel demonstration projects as defined in all applicable laws, regulations and rules permit the EMPLOYER to test alternative personnel management concepts in controlled situations to determine the effects and ramifications of proposed changes before putting said changes into general effect.
DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS. The parties agree that each project shall have the objective of demonstrating to a potential investor or significant customer, on a demonstration facility scale, the attractiveness and competitiveness of the C7 technology. The parties further agree that the maximum number of such projects shall be ten (10), that the cumulative cost to Total G&P of participating in such C7 Demonstration Projects shall be not more than US$ 2.5 million, and that the commitments to supply, build and operate shall be entered into in 2013, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.