Examples of First employment in a sentence
Similarly there continues to be an increase in the take up of Work Programme and Communities First employment related training opportunities leading to more clients securing employment on completion.
Cooray Graduation date: August 2010Dissertation title: Resisting Reliability Degradation through Proactive Reconfiguration First employment: Verisign Inc.
I also helped supervise a part of the research that went into Arati’s Ph.D. dissertation, “Automated Detection and Containment of Stealth Attacks on the Operating System Kernel,” DOI: 10.7282/T33B60FK.d External recognition during Ph.D. study and postdoc: Outstanding student paper award at ACSAC’08; Significant coverage in the popular press and by the NSF for work on smartphone rootkits (HotMobile’10).d First employment: AT&T Security Research Center, New York City.
The First employment center was inaugurated in Hura in April 2010 and two additional Centers are to be established in 2010–2011.
First, employment spells in tempo- rary employment agencies are identified by an industry classification code.