Examples of Floor Space Index in a sentence
The proposal for a 3-storey mixed-use development at a density of 1.208 FSI (Floor Space Index) conforms to the Official Plan.
The Allottee/s has/have been informed and is/are aware that the buildable area has been sanctioned for the Layout as a Project Land on the basis of the available Floor Space Index (“FSI”) on the Subject Land and accordingly the Developer shall develop the Subject Land in multiple phases/project.
Irregular sanction of one Floor Space Index instead of 0.2 Floor Space Index in 15 cases, Transfer of Developments Rights issued against land acquired in No Development Zone area had resulted in granting undue benefit of ` 9.77 crore.
The proposal for a 3-storey mixed-use development at a density of 1.093 FSI (Floor Space Index) conforms to the Official Plan.
Indian Railways worked with the State of Maharashtra to reach agreement that the Floor Space Index (FSI) for the site would be increased from 2 to 4, in order to maximize land value.