General education program definition

General education program means a program that is designed to:
General education program means that component of the college or university baccalaureate degree program which emphasizes the study of the behavioral and social sciences, fine arts, humanities, natural sciences, and mathematics.
General education program. TU will recognize the courses in Table 1 (see section 1) as a completed general education program. Students will receive a core package that satisfies most of the TU Core Curriculum without the need for course-by-course placement in specific Core Curriculum requirements. Students will only need to complete two Core Curriculum requirements at TU: Advanced Writing Seminar (Core 9) and Ethical Perspectives (Core 14). If an ethics course is taken for the Arts & Humanities requirement at AACC, students will complete a Core Curriculum requirement other than Core 14. Students must take the following courses for their 7 credits of program electives: ▪ Technology requirement: This course for this requirement must be an approved general education course in order to meet the requirements for the core package when transferring to TU. ▪ Program elective: The prerequisite course for MAT 191 will satisfy this requirement if students take it (see “Math and Chemistry Prerequisites”). If students do not take any math prerequisite, they may take any transferable course as their elective. Students may consult the Transfer Student Center at TU if they have questions about their elective options. A course number beginning with T indicates that it is a lower-level equivalent of an upper-level TU course. CHEM T31 and CHEM T32 will satisfy the major requirements for CHEM 331 and 332, but they will not count toward the TU degree requirement for 32 upper-level units. The Chemistry program is designed for students who are ready to enroll in calculus and general chemistry in their first term. Students should note the following requirements for enrollment into these courses: ▪ MAT 191 Calculus 1: Enrollment in this course requires an appropriate score on the AACC Mathematics Placement Test on the mathematics portion of the SAT or ACT. If students do not meet this requirement, they may need to complete one or two additional math courses depending on their test scores. ▪ CHE 111 General Chemistry 1: Enrollment in this course requires completion of either MAT 137 College Algebra or MAT 145 Precalculus 1 or eligibility to enroll into MAT 146 Precalculus 2 or higher. If students are eligible to enroll in MAT 191 in their first term, they will also be eligible to enroll in CHE 111.

Examples of General education program in a sentence

  • General education program requirements shall be clearly stated in the institutional catalog and in the guide.

  • CSC 102 Introduction to Microcomputer Applications LIB 101 Library Research SkillsInfusion** ** Infusion means that this requirement is meaningfully addressed throughout a variety of courses in the General education program.

  • Here, instead of an outcome, what the customer receives might be described as a recurring stream of supplies, each portion of which carries equal weight in terms of the customer being able to use and consume them.

  • Students who participate in the General education program who are being considered for suspension more than ten (10) days in a year, must be reviewed by an MTSS intervention team to rule out the possibility of the student being eligible for a disability.

  • Weakness III-2: EMU’s General education program lacks a course in computer literacy.

  • Dr. Nader El-Bizri updated the senate on the efforts of revamping the General education program.

  • The department attributes this to three interrelated factors: 1) market forces in the Bay Area, particularly for environmental studies majors; 2) structural changes in the General education program that prevented the department from recruiting majors in through its historical process of introductory courses; and 3) the rapid expansion of digital electronics arts on the CSUEB campus which drew incoming students away from this and other majors.

  • General education program is intended to provide the undergraduate curriculum with critical thinking skills; a broad understanding of the approaches to knowledge in humanities and social sciences, a common core of understanding among students in Islamic and multicultural studies, and a level of skill appropriate to higher education in science, mathematics, information literacy, the application of technology and communications silks.

More Definitions of General education program

General education program means a program that is de- signed to:
General education program means a public elementary or secondary school program devoted to the foundation of skills, knowledge, habits of mind, and values that prepares students for success that an LEA uses when educating its students, including students with and without disabilities. Such programs do not include AEDY Programs, alternative schools for students who are suspended or expelled, or schools or facilities that enroll exclusively children with disabilities.
General education program means that component of the institution’s baccalaureate degree program, in addition to course work taken in the major, minor, concentration, and the pro- fessional education sequence, which emphasizes the study of the behavioral and social sciences, fine arts, humanities, natural sciences, and mathematics.
General education program means a pro- gram that is designed to:
General education program means a program that is designed to: (a)—(c) (text unchanged)

Related to General education program

  • Alternative education program means a school or separate class group designed to best serve students’ educational needs and interests and assist students in achieving the academic standards of the district and the state.

  • Continuing education means planned, organized learning acts designed to maintain, improve, or expand a licensee’s knowledge and skills in order for the licensee to develop new knowledge and skills relevant to the enhancement of practice, education, or theory development to improve the safety and welfare of the public.

  • Training program means an NCA-approved Iowa college, the Iowa law enforcement academy or an Iowa hospital approved by the department to conduct emergency medical care training.