General education program definition
Examples of General education program in a sentence
General education program requirements shall be clearly stated in the institutional catalog and in the guide.
CSC 102 Introduction to Microcomputer Applications LIB 101 Library Research SkillsInfusion** ** Infusion means that this requirement is meaningfully addressed throughout a variety of courses in the General education program.
Here, instead of an outcome, what the customer receives might be described as a recurring stream of supplies, each portion of which carries equal weight in terms of the customer being able to use and consume them.
Students who participate in the General education program who are being considered for suspension more than ten (10) days in a year, must be reviewed by an MTSS intervention team to rule out the possibility of the student being eligible for a disability.
Weakness III-2: EMU’s General education program lacks a course in computer literacy.
Dr. Nader El-Bizri updated the senate on the efforts of revamping the General education program.
The department attributes this to three interrelated factors: 1) market forces in the Bay Area, particularly for environmental studies majors; 2) structural changes in the General education program that prevented the department from recruiting majors in through its historical process of introductory courses; and 3) the rapid expansion of digital electronics arts on the CSUEB campus which drew incoming students away from this and other majors.
General education program is intended to provide the undergraduate curriculum with critical thinking skills; a broad understanding of the approaches to knowledge in humanities and social sciences, a common core of understanding among students in Islamic and multicultural studies, and a level of skill appropriate to higher education in science, mathematics, information literacy, the application of technology and communications silks.