Examples of Group Supported Employment in a sentence
Day and Employment supports that take place in settings in which more than one person receives services at a time include: Day Habilitation; Small Group Day Habilitation; Employment Readiness; Small Group Supported Employment, Group Companion, and Individualized Day Supports, when it is offered in a 2:1 ratio.
Services which cannot be self-directed are the following: facility based respite, Day Habilitation Supplement, Transportation that is part of a day program or a contracted route, , Community Based Day Supports, Group Supported Employment.
These activities will be the same as the activities described for CLA/CCH (see Section II.B.1.a above), except the language in program regulations will not require a lease or other legally binding document, since that requirement is not applicable to Group Supported Employment.
Numbers for Small Group Supported Employment and Individual Supported Employment come from eXPRS billing data.
HCD continues to process payments to landlords for the remaining active clients.
Group Supported Employment occurs in a variety of settings, particularly work sites where persons without disabilities are employed.
Group Supported Employment provides ongoing supports that enable participants in a structured environment focused towards work.
With the revision process to the statewide transition plan, DDS took the opportunity to re-evaluate the Group Supported Employment settings to ensure that all settings comply with the Community Rule.
Group Supported Employment may include assisting the participant with assessments, career planning, locating a job or developing a job on behalf of the participant.
Please see Section II.B.1.d for DDS’ assessment of Group Supported Employment.