Examples of Supported employment services in a sentence
Supported employment services are service activities provided pursuant to subrule 78.27(10).78.41(8) Consumer-directed attendant care service.
Instruction, supervision, support or assistance in personal hygiene, bathing, and daily living shall be provided under supported community living.a. Services shall be included in the consumer’s individual comprehensive plan.b. A unit is one hour.c. A maximum of 14 units are available per week.78.41(7) Supported employment services.
Supported employment services are individualized services associated with obtaining and maintaining competitive paid employment in the least restrictive environment possible, provided to individuals for whom competitive employment at or above minimum wage is unlikely and who, because of their disability, need intense and ongoing support to perform in a work setting.
Supported employment services are service activities provided pursuant to subrule 78.27(10).78.43(5) Home and vehicle modification.
Supported employment services will be provided utilizing Title I, Part B Vocational Rehabilitation funds.