Hang Seng definition
Examples of Hang Seng in a sentence
The Hang Seng Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization-weighted stock market index that is the main indicator of the overall market performance in Hong Kong.
The marks, names and processes of compilation and computation of the respective Hang Seng Indices are the exclusive property of and proprietary to HSDS.
The marks, names and processes of compilation and computation of the respective Hang Seng Indexes are the exclusive property of and proprietary to HSDS.
Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited (“HSIL”) currently publishes, compiles and computes a number of stock indexes and may publish, compile and compute such additional stock indexes at the request of Hang Seng Data Services Limited (“HSDS”) from time to time (collectively, the “Hang Seng Indexes”).
Neither the Exchange nor HSDS nor HSIL warrants or represents or guarantees to any participant or any third party the accuracy or completeness of the Hang Seng Indexes or any of them and the compilation and computation thereof or any information related thereto and no such warranty or representation or guarantee of any kind whatsoever relating to the Hang Seng Indexes or any of them is given or may be implied.