Insured equipment definition
Examples of Insured equipment in a sentence
At the option of the Insured, equipment also includes personal property of officers and employees of the Insured.
At the option of the Insured, equipment also includes personal property of officers, employees and volunteers of the Insured.
At the option of the Insured, "equipment" also includes personal property of officers and employees of the Insured.
At the option of the Insured, equipment also includes personal property of offic ers and employees of the Insured.
Insured equipment in the same room or premises with an unlocked connection with each otherCompensation requirementRemarks1 personal computer- Locked premisesInsuredwith accessories equipment may not be left in an unsupervised vehicle**2–9 personal computers- Protection Class 2*** 10 or more personal computers- Protection Class 2*** - Approved centre- connected burglar alarmThe same requirements also apply to other insured equipment and then with equivalent value ranges as for personal computers.