Examples of Interim Investments in a sentence
Any part of the Initial Capital Contributed that is not immediately required by OSEG, the Limited Partnership or a Component Limited Partnership for the purposes of the Total Project may be invested by OSEG in Permitted Interim Investments.
Members were advised that these queries would be investigated by the Interim Investments, Risk and Commercial Manager and an email response provided post this meeting once these points have been looked into.
Christman, and upon receiving a motion and a second, the Board of Education voted on approving the Monthly Financial Report consisting of the Financial Statements and Interim Investments for the month and year-to-date ended September 30, 2018 (attached Exhibit T-1 in Subject Section 8.2).
The approval of a majority of the voting members of the Investment Committee shall be required for all Strategic Investments and Interim Investments made by the Partnership.
Antony Huggett, Interim Investments, Risk and Commercial Manager, presented the report to update the board on the LGPS Scheme Advisory Board’s review of governance structures for Sutton Council’s pension funds.