Itinerant Teacher definition
Examples of Itinerant Teacher in a sentence
Itinerant licensed professionals, as well as any classroom licensed professionals who do not require a substitute during their absence, will notify their building principal or secretary and will also notify the Cooperative office by completing and submitting an Itinerant Teacher Absence Report no later than three weeks upon returning to work following the absence, or if the absence occurs within three weeks of the last day of school, prior to checkout for the year with the Cooperative administration.
An Itinerant Teacher shall be assigned classes with a minimum length of 30 minutes, but individual teachers may request shorter periods of time for educationally sound reasons.
An Itinerant Teacher shall be allotted travel time as required between work sites.
If the student receives one or more related services in conjunction with Special Education Itinerant Teacher (SEIT) services, then the SEIT must be designated as the Coordinator of Services.
An Itinerant Teacher shall have a minimum of 5 minutes’ transition time from the end of one class until the beginning of the next class.