Examples of Joint Use Formula in a sentence
Petitioner admitted to the probation officer that he told Hames of the scheme to defraud and had profited $300 from Hames's crime.
Any expense MAC incurs for Employee Screening attributed to Signatory Airlines will be prorated among the Signatory Airlines using the Joint Use Formula and AIRLINE’s proportionate share shall be billed to AIRLINE directly.
Alliance Partners shall not count for the purpose of apportioning the fixed (i.e. 20%) portion of the Joint Use Formula, but their Enplaned Passengers shall be included in assessing and apportioning their share of the variable (i.e. 80%) portion.
The square footage associated with each Cart Tunnel Area shall be allocated among domestic Signatory Passenger Airlines on the basis of the Joint Use Formula.
Terminal rentals for Exclusive Use Space and Preferential Use Space, fees per the Joint Use Formula, and Terminal Apron Fees shall be due and payable the first day of each month in advance without invoice from MAC.