Jurisdictional Agency definition

Jurisdictional Agency means the state or federal agency identified in§ 270.401.
Jurisdictional Agency. The agency having overall land and resource management responsibility for a specific geographical or functional area as provided by federal or state law.
Jurisdictional Agency. The agency having overall land and resource management and/or wildland fire protection responsibility for a specific geographical or functional area as provided by federal, state or local law. Level of Fire Protection: Identifies the degree of protection to be provided with recognition that lands of equal hazard, risk, and value under similar conditions shall receive a comparable level of protection. Local Agreement: An agreement between adjoining or closely aligned agencies/jurisdictions that identifies the terms and conditions for providing assistance to each other. These agreements can take many forms,

Examples of Jurisdictional Agency in a sentence

  • Employee claims for loss of or damage to personal property must be submitted to the Jurisdictional Agency and then forwarded to the hiring, or home agency of the employee for processing in accordance with the hiring agency's administrative procedures.

  • Unless otherwise agreed, the Jurisdictional Agency will provide an Agency representative or appropriate environmental technical specialist to advise a Protecting Agency of any special management considerations that may influence suppression action.

  • Wildfires resulting from escaped prescribed fires that were ignited by, managed at the direction of, or under the supervision of one of the Parties to this Agreement shall be the responsibility of the Jurisdictional Agency.

  • Such actions will be commensurate with the land management considerations of the Jurisdictional Agency, and subject to the laws and regulations of the Jurisdictional Agency.

  • Unless otherwise agreed, all suppression costs and associated damages are the responsibility of the Jurisdictional Agency.

More Definitions of Jurisdictional Agency

Jurisdictional Agency. The Agency that has overall land and resource management responsibility as provided by Federal or State law. The State has the responsibility for protection of forested private lands. Local Government: A county, municipality, city, town, township, local public authority, school district, special district, council of governments (regardless of whether the council of governments is incorporated as a nonprofit corporation under State law), regional or interstate government entity, or agency or instrumentality of a local government; an Indian tribe or authorized tribal organization or, in Alaska, a Native Village or Alaska Regional native Corporation; or a rural community, unincorporated town or village, or other public entity. (As defined in section 2(10) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, Public Law 107-296, 116 Stat.
Jurisdictional Agency means the Texas Railroad Commission and other regulatory agencies having jurisdiction.
Jurisdictional Agency means thestate or federal agency identified in Subpart D of this part.
Jurisdictional Agency. The agency which has overall land and resource management and/or protection responsibilit as provided by federal or state law. Under no circumstances will a jurisdictional agency abdicate legal authorities. Offset: Exchange of fire management services in specific locations that is anticipated to be approximately equal value between agencies. Operating Plan - Northwest: A plan which will include all Northwest considerations. This will be developed at the Geographic Area level and approved by the PNWCG member agencies. Operating Plan - Statewide: A plan which will include all statewide considerations. This will be developed at the state level and approved by affected state and federal PNWCG member agencies. Operating Plan - Local: A plan generated at a local level and authorized by Unit Administrators for implementing the Oregon and Washington Wildland Fire Agreement in their respective areas of responsibilities. Parties to this Agreement: United States Department of Interior: Bureau of Land Management, Oregon and Washington; National Park Service, Pacific West Region; Bureau of Indian Affairs, Portland Area; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific Region; United States Department of Agriculture: Forest Service, Pacific Northwest and Northern Regions; State of Oregon, Department of Forestry; State of Washington, Department of Natural Resources.
Jurisdictional Agency. The agency having overall land and resource management and/or wildland fire protection responsibility for a specific geographical or functional area as provided by federal, state or local law. Level of Fire Protection: Identifies the degree of protection to be provided with recognition that lands of equal hazard, risk, and value under similar conditions shall receive a comparable level of protection. Local Agreement: An agreement between adjoining or closely aligned agencies/jurisdictions that identifies the terms and conditions for providing assistance to each other. These agreements can take many forms, including Mutual Aid, Automatic Aid, Joint Powers, etc. Local Government: A county, municipality, city, town, township, local public authority, school district, special district, intrastate district, council of governments (regardless of whether the council of governments is incorporated as a nonprofit corporation under State law), regional or interstate government entity, or agency or instrumentality of a local government; an Indian tribe or authorized tribal organization or, in Alaska, a Native Village or Alaska Regional Native Corporation; or a rural community, unincorporated town or village, or other public entity. (As defined in section 2(10) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, Public Law 000‐000, 000 Xxxx. 0000, et seq. (2002).)
Jurisdictional Agency means the police agency with primary law enforcement jurisdiction over the area where the incident occurred.
Jurisdictional Agency means thestate or federal agency identified in§ 270.401.