Limited tenure employee definition

Limited tenure employee means a person who is employed for a particular purpose for a specified period not exceeding one year. Salaries and conditions are as for the appropriate classification within the award.
Limited tenure employee means a person engaged on either a full-time or part-time basis for a defined period, subject to:
Limited tenure employee means an Employee employed on a permanent basis for a period of at least four (4) consecutive weeks but not more than twelve (12) months, although it is anticipated by the parties that a limited tenure engagement would be unlikely to exceed six (6) months in ordinary circumstances. Limited Tenure Employees may be engaged during peak periods and/or to relieve other employees absent on a period of approved leave or workers’ compensation. Subject to a maximum period of engagement prescribed by this sub-clause, the contract of a limited tenure Employee may be extended once only. The wages and conditions of a limited tenure Employee shall be the same as those for a full- time or part-time Employee, as appropriate, as provided by this Agreement. Provided that where limited tenure employment is terminated by either party prior to the end of the limited tenure arrangement, the Employee will not be entitled to be remunerated for the remainder of the limited tenure period. The redundancy provisions of this Agreement will not apply to Employees working under a limited tenure arrangement. Where the arrangement ends, the Employee will return to the Employee’s substantive position, being the position the Employee held immediately prior to the commencement of the limited tenure arrangement. Any dispute with respect to Limited Tenure Employees will be promptly addressed through the Dispute Settlement Procedure prescribed by clause 9 of this Agreement.

Related to Limited tenure employee

  • School employee means (1) a teacher, substitute teacher, school administrator, school superintendent, guidance counselor, psychologist, social worker, nurse, physician, school paraprofessional or coach employed by a local or regional board of education or working in a public elementary, middle or high school; or (2) any other individual who, in the performance of his or her duties, has regular contact with students and who provides services to or on behalf of students enrolled in a public elementary, middle or high school, pursuant to a contract with the local or regional board of education.

  • School employer means a board of school directors, the

  • Service employee, means any person engaged in the performance of this contract other than any person employed in a bona fide executive, administrative, or professional capacity, as these terms are defined in Part 541 of Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations, as revised. It includes all such persons regardless of any contractual relationship that may be alleged to exist between a Contractor or subcontractor and such persons.

  • Casual Employee means an employee who has no set hours or days of work and who is normally asked to work as and when required.

  • Public safety employee means a public employee who is employed as one of the following:

  • Key Employee means any executive-level employee (including, division director and vice president-level positions) as well as any employee who, either alone or in concert with others, develops, invents, programs, or designs any Company Intellectual Property (as defined in the Purchase Agreement).

  • Tipped employee means any employee engaged in an occupation in which s/he customarily and regularly receives more than $30 per month in tips. Tips include amounts designated as a tip by credit card customers on their charge slips. Nothing in this rule prevents an employer from requiring employees to share or allocate such tips or gratuities on a pre-established basis among other employees who customarily and regularly receive tips. Employer-required sharing of tips with employees who do not customarily and regularly receive tips, such as management or food preparers, or deduction of credit card processing fees from tipped employees, shall nullify allowable tip credits towards the minimum wage.

  • Living Wage Employee means any and all employees of the Contractor and all Subcontractors of the Contractor that perform any part of the Work on a property owned by or leased to the City, including all streets, sidewalks and other public rights of way, for at least one consecutive hour, but excluding Students, volunteers and employees of Social Enterprises;

  • county executive committee member means the county executive committee member responsible for matters relating to land;

  • Non-Key Employee means any Employee who is not a Key Employee.

  • Company Employee means an employee of the Company or an employee of a Subsidiary of the Company, if any.

  • New Mexico Employee means any resident of the State of New Mexico employed by Contractor who performs the majority of the employee’s work for Contractor within the State of New Mexico, regardless of the location of Contractor’s office or offices; and

  • Designated Employee means an employee who has been designated by the school to receive complaints of hazing, harassment and bullying pursuant to subdivision 16 V.S.A. 570a(a)(7). The designated employees for each school building are identified in Appendix A of this policy.

  • Salaried Employee means an employee who is not covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act who regularly receives each pay period a predetermined amount constituting all or part of compensation. This base salary cannot be reduced because of variations in the quality or quantity of work performed.

  • City Managerial Employee means the City Manager, the Assistant City Manager, the City Clerk, and any City department head or director. In the event CONTRACTOR violates the provisions of this paragraph, CONTRACTOR shall be required to pay damages to OWNER in an amount equal to any and all compensation which is received by the former Elected Officer or City Managerial Employee of OWNER from or on behalf of the contracting person or entity, or an amount equal to the former Elected Officer's or City Managerial Employee's last two (2) years of gross compensation from OWNER, whichever is greater.

  • Academic employee Academic employee shall mean an employee in the Professional Services Negotiating Unit with academic or qualified academic rank.

  • Former Employee means an individual who has severed employment with the Employer or an Affiliated Employer.

  • Supervisory employee means an employee, regardless of job description, having authority in the interest of the employer to hire, transfer, suspend, lay off, recall, promote, discharge, assign, reward, or discipline other employees, or the responsibility to assign work to and direct them, or to adjust their grievances, or effectively recommend that action, if, in connection with the foregoing functions, the exercise of that authority is not of a merely routine or clerical nature, but requires the use of independent judgment.

  • Male employee means an employed male who is caring for a child borne of his spouse or a child placed with the employee for adoption purposes.

  • Auxiliary Employee meaning an employee who is employed for work which is not of a continuous nature such as: 1. seasonal positions; 2. positions created to carry out special projects or work which is not continuous; 3. temporary positions created to cover employees on vacation, short term disability leave, education leave, compassionate leave, or other leave; 4. temporary positions created by special programs such as the summer student employment program, winter works programs for the unemployed, emergencies such as floods or other special temporary programs;

  • Contract employee means an employee performing services under a PEO services contract or temporary help services contract.

  • Managerial employee means an employee of the State of Oregon or a public university

  • Public employee means an individual holding a position by appointment or employment in the government of this state, in the government of 1 or more of the political subdivisions of this state, in the public school service, in a public or special district, in the service of an authority, commission, or board, or in any other branch of the public service, subject to the following exceptions:

  • Municipal employee means any individual employed by a municipal employer other than an independent contractor, supervisor, or confidential, managerial or executive employee.

  • Employee Member means a member of the “Bargaining Unit”.

  • Employee Participant means an Employee who holds an outstanding Award under the terms of the Plan.