Examples of Local Connection in a sentence
The Council may, where appropriate, in consultation with the relevant housing association, adopt a Local Lettings Scheme whereby individual homes, blocks, streets, estates or neighbourhoods may be allocated according to different criteria to those normally used.Some Local Lettings Schemes limit who can be considered as a tenant, e.g. they may limit allocation on the basis of Local Connection to the town or village where the home is situated.
Bronze(Limited Local Connection - closed after one year where no bids have been placed) This applies to applicants who meet the eligibility criteria on connection grounds with one of the districts in the Home Choice Plus partnership but no connection to the other partners and do not meet any of the reasonable preference criteria, as set out above, but have a low housing need (please see list in Bronze Plus section above).
As with all Applicants, in order to qualify, they must meet the Local Connection criteria that are set out at 11.2 above.
However, subject to those special rules, priority will be given to bids from suitable local Applicants who have a specific mobility need for these homes and who have the relevant Local Connection with the new development.
Local Connection for Banding PurposesIn order to ensure that Home Choice Plus meets the housing needs of local communities, we will award a higher band to those applicants with a Local Connection to each relevant Local Authority.