Examples of Local financial support in a sentence
Local financial support for the civil society is minimal, unrealizable and it mainly comes through consultancies undertaken by individual organizations.
Local financial support refund will be provided un the cash is received.
Local financial support means funding from local sources, public or private, which is equal to 20 percent of the annual tax refund for a qualified business.5 Approved applicants enter into an agreement with OTTED and may receive refunds based on the payment of sales and use taxes, corporate income taxes, intangible personal property taxes, emergency excise taxes, excise taxes on documents, and ad valorem taxes.
Local financial support means funding from local sources, public or private, which is equal to 20 percent of the annual tax refund for a qualified business (s.
Local financial support funded the construction of the campus facilities, which the state furnishes and maintains.
The LEA will not reduce the amount of State and/or Local financial support for special education and related services for children with disabilities below the amount of that support for the preceding fiscal year, unless the LEA is eligible for exceptions or adjustments, in accordance with 20 U.S.C. 1412(a)(18)(A)-(D); 34 CFR §§300.203 through 205.
Local financial support can include the following approaches: 1) cost sharing with local agencies; 2) locally-generated revenues from transit-oriented development; 3) commercial concessions at high-speed rail stations; and 4) cooperative funding arrangements with local transportation agencies.
Local (financial) support not only diminishes dependency on foreign donors, it provides better guarantee that local prior- ities prevail and gives legitimacy to the organization.