Examples of Mail Order in a sentence
Beginning January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2021, the prescription co- pay structure shall be as follows: Cigna OAPIN: Retail – up to a 30-day supply - $10 for generic; $20 for formulary; $35 for non-formulary; Mail Order: - 90-day supply of maintenance prescriptions - $20 for generic; $40 for formulary; $70 for non- formulary.
The co-pay structure through December 31, 2021, shall be as follows: up to 60-day supply - $5 generic; $5 brand; at participating community pharmacy - $15 generic; $15 brand; Mail Order - 90-day supply - $5 generic; $5 brand.
Beginning January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2021, the prescription co-pay structure shall be as follows: Cigna OAP: Retail – up to a 30-day supply - $10 for generic; $20 for formulary; $35 for non-formulary; Mail Order: - 90-day supply of maintenance prescriptions - $20 for generic; $40 for formulary; $70 for non-formulary.
Generic drugs $10 copay/prescription (retail) $20 copay/prescription (mail order); deductible does not apply $10 copay/prescription (retail); deductible does not apply 30-day supply at Retail 90-day supply at Mail Order Rx Out-of-Pocket Expense Limit: $500 Individual/$1,500 Family For Out-of-Network drug provider, you are responsible for 50% of the eligible amount after the copayment.