Examples of Mentoring Services in a sentence
Children’s Behavioral Health Initiative Services (CBHI Services) – any of the following services: Intensive Care Coordination (ICC), Family Support and Training, In-Home Behavioral Services (including Behavior Management Therapy and Behavior Management Monitoring) and Therapeutic Mentoring Services, In-Home Therapy Services (including Therapeutic Clinical Intervention and Ongoing Therapeutic Training and Support), and Mobile Crisis Intervention.
These include GirlsEducational and Mentoring Services (GEMS) Transition to Independent Living (TIL) program, Standing Against Global Exploitation (SAGE) Safe House, Children of the Night, and Angela’s House (see the table at the end of this issue brief for more details).
Bidders are to submit one (1) copy of their Expression of Interest clearly marked ‘Expression of Interest for the Provision of Mentoring Services to Voluntary Organisations’, on the sealed envelope and documents are to be entitled ‘Expression of Interest for the Provision of Mentoring Services to Voluntary Organisations’.
Until a contract resulting from the Expression of Interest for the Provision of Mentoring Services to Voluntary Organisations is executed, the bidder must not disclose any details pertaining to their proposal and the selection process in whole or in part, to anyone not specifically involved in their proposal, unless written consent is secured from the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector, prior to such disclosure.
Note: For Mentoring Services, at least 90% of the participants involved in the program should be within the targeted range of 4th – 8th grade.