Minor permit modification definition

Minor permit modification means a change to a permit that is required for the permittee to lawfully engage in any of the activities or proposed activities at a stationary source as identified in section 22a-174-2a(e) of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.
Minor permit modification means a modification to a Part 70 permit that meets all of the following criteria:
Minor permit modification means a revision to a discharge permit issued to a

Examples of Minor permit modification in a sentence

  • Section 26.1002 Minor permit modification applicability The minor permit modification process is an expedited procedure that allows a source to make changes involving limited emissions increases without a public notice process or a preconstruction permit.

  • Rule 26.1002 Minor permit modification applicability The minor permit modification process is an expedited procedure that allows the permittee of a Part 70 source to make trivial changes involving limited emission increases, based on the differences between the sum of the proposed permitted rates for all emissions units and the sum of previously permitted emission rates for all units, without a public notice process or a preconstruction permit.

  • Rule 26.1002 Minor permit modification applicability The minor permit modification process is an expedited procedure that allows a source to make trivial changes involving limited emission increases, based on the differences between the sum of the proposed permitted rates for all emissions units and the sum of previously permitted emission rates for all units, without a public notice process or a preconstruction permit.

  • Minor permit modification procedures may only be used for permit modifications that: 6.a Do not violate any applicable requirements (Colorado Regulation No. 3, Part C, Section X.A.1).

  • Minor permit modification procedures may be used only for those permit modifications that: I.

More Definitions of Minor permit modification

Minor permit modification means any modification to a permit issued pursuant to this regulation that would not trigger federally-mandated new source review. A permit modification shall not qualify as minor if the permit modification:
Minor permit modification means a change to a Part 70 permit that meets the criteria of Rule 26.1002 and is processed pursuant to the procedures established in Rule 26.1003 through Rule 26.1009.
Minor permit modification means a change to an individual Composting Facility Permit that is not a major permit modification.
Minor permit modification means a revision to a Part 70 permit that satisfies the requirements of COMAR
Minor permit modification means any modification which does not expand or enlarge a facility beyond the boundaries established by an existing permit and is not a material or substantial alteration or addition. (Authorized by and implementing K.S.A. 65-3481 as enacted by L. 1986, ch. 226, sec. 2; effective, T-87-37, Nov. 19, 1986; effective May 1, 1987.)

Related to Minor permit modification

  • Permit modification means a revision to a Title V operating permit that cannot be accomplished under the provisions for administrative permit amendments found at rule 567—22.111(455B). A permit modification for purposes of the acid rain portion of the permit shall be governed by the regulations pertaining to acid rain found at rules 567—22.120(455B) to 567—22.147(455B). This definition of “permit modification” shall be used solely for purposes of this chapter governing Title V operating permits.

  • Minor modification means a modification that does not significantly alter the nongovernmental function or purpose of the software or is of the type customarily provided in the commercial marketplace.

  • Major modification means any physical change in or change in the method of operation of a major stationary source that would result in a significant emissions increase of a regulated NSR pollutant and a significant net emissions increase of that pollutant from the major stationary source.

  • Material Modification means any modification to an Interconnection Request that has a material adverse effect on the cost or timing of Interconnection Studies related to, or any Network Upgrades or Local Upgrades needed to accommodate, any Interconnection Request with a later Queue Position.

  • Administrative permit amendment means an air quality operating permit revision that:

  • Substantial modification means modification of a relevant source that results in a significant increase in emissions, excluding any change in emissions resulting from by-product recovery. It shall be a matter for the Party to decide whether a modification is substantial or not;

  • PAL major modification means, notwithstanding the definitions for major modification and net emissions increase in 326 IAC 2-2-1, any physical change in or change in the method of operation of the PAL source that causes it to emit the PAL pollutant at a level equal to or greater than the PAL.

  • Necessary preconstruction approvals or permits means those permits or approvals required under federal air quality control laws and regulations and those air quality control laws and regulations which are part of the applicable State Implementation Plan.