Mode of transportation definition
Examples of Mode of transportation in a sentence
Mode of transportation shall be the most economic available without upgrades in class or accommodation.
Mode of transportation and fare paid will be that established at each project.
Mode of transportation: Parent(s)/Guardian Signature: Date: FIELD TRIP/INTERSCHOLASTIC GAME DRIVER AGREEMENT At Santa Barbara Catholic School, we depend upon, value and appreciate parents who volunteer to drive on our field trips and interscholastic games.
Mode of transportation to and from mobile clinics may be by Canadian Blood Services, public or private transportation.
Reimbursement for transportation approved by the administrative head of the agency or the designated representative shall be for the most economical or advantageous mode and by the usually traveled route.[ARC 2267C, IAB 11/25/15, effective 12/30/15; ARC 6236C, IAB 3/9/22, effective 4/13/22] 11—41.5(8A) Mode of transportation.