Field Trip Sample Clauses

Field Trip. BOARDS The field trip board will be checked at 8:00 a.m. and at 12:30
Field Trip. Any additional driving assignment generated from a school site or special district request that is greater than one hour.
Field Trip. A field trip shall be defined as any educational activity which requires students and faculty members to leave the campus. The College shall make every effort to supply transportation for all field trips.
Field Trip. A “field trip” is the transportation of students from a school location to a site outside and/or inside the School District boundary. The driver remains at the site and returns with the students. A “field trip” will remain a “field trip” unless driver availability warrants a “Shuttle”. Field trips are not sport runs. A “field trip” includes the transportation of the band to sporting events.
Field Trip. Field trip destination is outside the nine-county internal field trip zone of
Field Trip. I hereby grant permission for my child to leave the school premises under the supervision of a staff member for authorized field trips. Families will be notified at least 7 days in advance of any field trip. Families will be given the opportunity to accompany child on field trip.
Field Trip. Any additional driving assignment that involves transporting students for a non-regularly scheduled route that is not considered “home to school” transportation.
Field Trip. Instructional Assistants who participate on field trips at the District's request shall have no reduction in their compensation due to their participation on the field trip.
Field Trip. Cost will vary depending on the activity. The school covers the cost of most field trips. However, notices will be sent home in the event that any additional fee is to be collected.
Field Trip. At a maximum requirement of one (1) request per year by the School District, the Owner will host an age appropriate tour at the Project site that will incorporate the environmental and technical aspects of the Project. Owner’s services will be provided at no cost to the School District. The School District must have a waiver signed by each participant on the field trip