Examples of Named Participant in a sentence
In order to begin accessing the materials, videos and support made available through a Red Hat Learning Subscription, the Named Participant for such subscription must first register with Red Hat and have a valid Red Hat ID.
You agree to provide to Red Hat the Red Hat Network ID for each Named Participant.
If the Red Hat Learning Subscription includes the ability to unlock certification exams, Named Participant may be permitted to complete certification exams in class or via an individual exam session.
While Red Hat provides exams at many locations, Red Hat does not warrant that any particular exam will be available in a city near the Client or Named Participant.
Named Participant in this agreement cannot be changed without prior notification and approval of the MLS, and only within the parameters allowed by the Rules and Regulations.
EP05 CROSS LIABILITY CLAUSE The inclusion for more than one corporation, person, organization, firm or entity as a Named Schedule in this Takaful Certificate shall not in anyway effect the rights of any such corporation, person, organization, firm or entity either as respects any claim, demand, suit or judgement made or brought by, or in favour of any other Named Participant, or by, in favour, of any employee of such other Takaful Participant.
No employee shall represent the City in an official capacity while impaired by alcohol, a controlled substance or medication.
The Original Petition/Motion file date must fall on or after six months from the Named Participant’s Effective Date of coverage, no matter whether the Named Participant is the petitioner or the respondent; that is the 1st of the month after 6 entire months have elapsed from the Named Participant’s Effective Date.
To help you familiarize yourself with the law visit http://www.copyright.gov/.
At the Named Participant’s Termination of Employment, the lump sum account balance (including interest credits) shall be converted to a Life with 10 Year Certain SERP Benefit for purposes of applying any applicable offsets and the net benefit shall then be converted, as applicable, to the Benefit Payout Alternative elected by the Named Participant.