Neighborhood plan means a plan for a geographic area within the boundaries of the jurisdictional area that addresses one or more of the elements of the growth policy in more detail.
Neighborhood plan means a plan adopted by the Council which has been developed to guide neighborhood growth and development and deal with other neighborhood related issues such as housing, institutions, transportation, economic development and other commu- nity development activities.
Neighborhood plan means a plan submitted by an Urban Center municipality for plan endorsement that pertains specifically to a specific section of the municipality that has been identified as part of an overall strategy by the municipality for eventual endorsement of the municipal master plan and supporting plan elements for the entire municipality.]
Examples of Neighborhood plan in a sentence
This Neighborhood plan has an in-network and out of network deductible.
This Neighborhood plan has an in-network and out of network OOP maximum.
Developing a viable financing plan to implement the Neighborhood plan.
Council Update – Councilor Morris stated that Council just adopted the Normal Neighborhood plan.
Subject to negative balance protection, if the value of the Position moves against you, then you will be required to deposit additional funds (Variation Margin) and, if so, you will be subject to a Margin Call; i.e. to pay additional Margin or, alternatively, to close the Position in order to reduce your Initial Margin.
More Definitions of Neighborhood plan
Neighborhood plan means a plan for a geographic area within the boundaries of the
Neighborhood plan means a written plan promulgated and approved by a government or quasi-government entity or a recognized nonprofit, community organization or neighborhood association, provided such a plan shall be available and/or recognized from the City of Houston Planning and Development Department.
Neighborhood plan means a specific plan adopted pursuant to Government Code Sections 65450, et seq., an area plan, precise plan, urban village plan, or master plan that has been adopted by a local government.
Neighborhood plan means the provisions of the 2019 Snyderville Basin General Plan Amendment specific to the Kimball Junction Neighborhood adopted by Summit County on June 15, 2019.
Neighborhood plan. Means a plan designed by the Department to guide the platting of remaining vacant parcels in a partially built neighborhood so as to make reasonable use of all land, correlate street patterns, and achieve the best possible land use relationships.
Neighborhood plan means an adopted specific plan, area plan, precise plan, urban village plan, or master plan
Neighborhood plan means a plan prepared at the direction of the commission as a graphic statement of objectives to guide platting of remaining undeveloped parcels of land in a partially built-up neighborhood, so as to make reasonable use of all land, correlate future street patterns, and achieve the best possible land use relationships.