Examples of Net conservation benefit in a sentence
According to 6 NYCRR Part 182.2, the term “net conservation benefit” is defined as follows:(n) Net conservation benefit means a successful enhancement of the species' subject population, successful enhancement of the species' overall population or a contribution to the recovery of the species within New York.
Net conservation benefit –Improved status of the covered species or population as a result of a Safe Harbor Agreement’s conservation actions minus the impacts from any incidental take of the species.
Net conservation benefit within this Agreement are the results of voluntary conservation actions undertaken through the Agreement.
Net conservation benefit for species covered by a CCAA is defined as the cumulative benefits of the CCAA’s specific conservation measures designed to improve the status of a covered species by removing or minimizing threats so that populations are stabilized, the number of individuals is increased, or habitat is improved (81 FR 95164).
Similar to banks for listed species, candidate species banks should be permanently protected through fee title or a conservation easement by the time the first credit in the bank is sold.14 Further, credits should be sellable only after conditions for the long-term management and monitoring of the bank are met.15 Net conservation benefit standard.