Net conservation benefit definition
Examples of Net conservation benefit in a sentence
The biological goal is to provide a Net Conservation Benefit to the Covered Species by expanding their distribution through creating and maintaining new habitat that is free of threats from ungulates and nonnative fish.
Nothing in this Agreement prevents Pūlama Lānaʻi from implementing other management activities not described in the Agreement, as long as such actions do not materially degrade the original Baseline Conditions defined herein, are not likely to result in Incidental Take of the Covered Species, and do not reduce the Net Conservation Benefit to Covered Species described in Section 14 of this Agreement.
Take of all individuals of Damselfly associated with Covered Activities in Other Areas is anticipated and authorized by this Agreement because of these Conservation Measures and because of the Net Conservation Benefit of the Conservation Area to the Damselfly.
These Conservation Measures will be conducted only in the Conservation Area and are expected to provide a Net Conservation Benefit to the Covered Species.
Nothing in this Agreement prevents Pūlama Lānaʻi from implementing other conservation measures or management activities not described in the Agreement, as long as such actions do not diminish Covered Species populations and habitat conditions below the Baseline Conditions, are not likely to result in Take of the Covered Species, and do not adversely affect the Net Conservation Benefit to Covered Species described in Section 14 of this Agreement.