Net Fund definition
Examples of Net Fund in a sentence
By way of illustration, if the Court were to approve Class Counsel fees and litigation expenses in the sum of $11,800,000.00 and $150,000.00, respectively, administrative expenses of $100,000.00, and Class Representative service awards of $40,000 to each named Plaintiff, the Net Fund would be $17,290,000.00.
All funds remaining after distribution(s) of the Net Fund to Class Members shall be distributed by the Settlement Administrator to these cy pres recipients, as called for in the Settlement Agreement.
Each Cash Payment Eligible Class Member would receive their pro rata share of the Net Fund based on the statutory formula.
Cash Payment Eligible Class Members shall be entitled to a pro rata share of the Settlement Fund, pursuant to the statutory formula set forth in 13 Pa.C.S. § 9625(c)(2) (for Pennsylvania Class Members) and NY UCC 9-625(c)(2) (for New York Class Members) from the Net Fund.