New Load definition
Examples of New Load in a sentence
The New Load applicable under this Rider must be a minimum of 350 kW at a single delivery point.
The Load Customer shall pay GLPL the Actual Cost of the GLPL Connection Work – Recoverable – New Load Customer Facilities which is estimated to be the amount specified in Schedule "D" (plus applicable taxes) in the manner of payment specified in Schedule "D".
This Rider is available to each New Load of a Project Participant that meets the qualifying criteria set forth herein.
C.4 Modifications to Allow New Load Shape SourcesSCE recommends the list of load shapes being reviewed or considered be made available to stakeholders so that measure package developers will not be duplicating the efforts of developing load shapes for the PY2023 measures.We encourage stakeholders to visit the DEER load shapes webpage at for more information.
The estimate of Actual Cost of the GLPL Connection Work is based on the preliminary estimate provided to the Load Customer on (insert date) for transmission connection plus the additional estimate for GLPL review and commissioning costs associated with the New Load Customer Facilities.
CA Meter Location Street Address City State Zip - 5-digits Please check all that apply:❑ A New Generating Facility interconnection (at an existing service).❑ Upgrade existing Generating Facility with previous approval by PG&E (adding PV panels, adding energy storage as an addition or enhancement, changing inverters/turbines or changing load and/or operations).❑ A New Generating Facility and New Load Service.2▪ An Application for Service must be completed.
Except as specifically provided herein, the Load Customer is responsible for obtaining any and all permits, certificates, reviews and approvals required under any Applicable Laws for the construction, connection and operation of the Load Customer Connection Work and the New Load Customer Facilities.
CA Meter Location Street Address City State Zip - 5-digits Please check all that apply:❑ A New Generating Facility interconnection (at an existing service).❑ Upgrade existing Generating Facility with previous approval by PG&E (adding PV panels, adding energy storage as an addition or enhancement, changing inverters/turbines or changing load and/or operations).❑ A New Generating Facility and New Load Service.▪ An Application for Service must be completed.
Any Project Sponsor desiring a new connection or modification of an existing connection must provide the required data as stated in Appendix B – New Load Delivery Data of this document.
The Contractor(s) should have the ability to provide services the day the contract starts.• The Contractor(s) will submit a daily spreadsheet with calls completed and the results of each call.