Meal Time Sample Clauses

Meal Time. Employees required to work for more than five hours continuously on any one shift shall be allowed a meal break of one hour: Provided that by mutual agreement the meal break may be reduced to not less than half an hour.
Meal Time. (a) If a “Day Person” is instructed to and continues to work overtime past 6:00 p.m., he shall be allowed a 30-minute period beginning at 6:00 p.m. for supper on Company time; and if said “Day Person” then continues to work additional overtime, he shall be allowed a 30-minute lunch period on Company time; each such period to begin at the end of four (4) hours of additional continuous overtime worked after 6:30 p.m. (b) Any employee called for work outside of his regular working hours, who is required to work more than four (4) consecutive hours outside his regular hours, shall be allowed a 30-minute period for a meal on Company time at the end of the fourth consecutive hour and at the end of each consecutive 4-hour period thereafter that said employee continues to work outside his regular hours.
Meal Time. Not less than fifteen (15) minutes shall regularly be allowed for all operators for meal relief and no operator shall be compelled to operate a vehicle more than six (6) hours without such meal relief, except that where any run or part of a run is more than six (6) hours and less than six and one-half (6 1/2) hours in length no meal relief shall be allowed.
Meal Time. For Employees on evening shift (where the majority of the work hours occur after 3:30 p.m.) and night shifts (where the majority of the work hours occur after 11:30 p.m.), one-half (1/2) hour meal time shall be included as part of the regularly scheduled work period.
Meal Time. Where an employee has accepted to work overtime he/she shall receive breaks of one-half (1/2) hour each, time off with pay, for meal time as herein provided. In the event that the overtime work continues immediately after regular hours and is estimated to continue for two (2) hours or longer, the first half (1/2) hour break shall be given within the second hour of overtime and if overtime continues, the employee shall be entitled to one-half (1/2) hour time off with pay at the end of every four (4) hours after the first meal break. Any employee working four (4) hours or more of overtime shall be paid an additional five dollars ($5.00) to cover the cost of meals. In the event that an employee, having completed his regular hours, is called back to perform overtime work, the half (1/2) hour time off periods shall be granted within the fifth hour of overtime, and if overtime work continues, then further periods shall be granted at the end of every four (4) hours thereafter. If an employee is required to perform overtime work within the first hour after regular hours, the overtime work will, for the purposes of this clause, be deemed to have continued immediately after regular hours. The purpose of this provision is to facilitate a period of paid time on-site for an employee to have a meal break. This provision is not intended to extend paid time beyond the time on-site.
Meal Time. All employees assigned to work the forty (40) hour work week schedule shall be entitled to one (1) meal time for eight (8) or more consecutive hours worked. All meal time taken is considered non-work time and to be without pay. The schedule for meal breaks shall be determined by management, taking into consideration the continuity of services provided to the public, and the convenience of the employee. In no case will meal breaks be permitted to exceed one (1) hour, or can they be taken at the beginning or end of a work schedule.
Meal Time. Employees not on AWS shall receive a minimum of 30 minutes and up to one hour for a meal time or unpaid break, except in emergency situations. The employee shall be free to leave the worksite during this period since the meal time/unpaid break is not paid time. For employees scheduled to work during core hours, the meal time/unpaid break must be taken between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm. The meal time or unpaid break may not be taken at the beginning or at the end of the normal scheduled work day. Normally, duties will not be assigned during the meal time/unpaid break. If duties must be assigned, the employee will be compensated with overtime or compensatory time as appropriate. For contract Education employees, see Article 31, Section 5.
Meal Time a. For each day or evening shift that a Registered Nurse works for six (6) hours or more, s/he shall receive an unpaid half-hour meal period. At the supervisor’s discretion and based on the staffing needs of the unit, a nurse that works less than six hours may be granted an unpaid half-hour meal period. b. Should the Supervisor determine that the patient load is too heavy to provide the Registered Nurse with a required meal period, the Hospital will provide the Registered Nurse with a meal without loss of pay to the Registered Nurse for time worked.
Meal Time. Employees who are required to be on duty for eight (8) straight clock hours shall be entitled to twenty (20) minutes paid meal time within the middle four (4) hours of his/her shift. Those employees not on continuous duty shall be free to take a one-half (1/2) hour unpaid lunch free from duty and may leave the building. After review with the Union, normal meal times for all employees will be established per a directive issued by each department head. The employee or immediate supervisor may request a modification in the established meal time.
Meal Time. Where an employee has accepted to work overtime the employee shall receive a one-half (1/2) hour paid meal period within the second hour of overtime and every four (4) hours thereafter. After four (4) hours or more of overtime, an employee shall be paid five dollars ($5.00).