Examples of Notice of Lay-off in a sentence
Upon receipt of the layoff list, the appointing authority shall prepare and serve a Notice of Layoff.
The Notice of Layoff shall be approved by County Counsel prior to its distribution to any employee.
The Notice of Layoff shall be served, either personally or by mail, on an employee at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the effective date of the layoff.
A statement that the employee has the opportunity to contact the Director or designated representative no later than five (5) business days after receipt of the Notice of Layoff to inspect the records relating to the computation of the layoff list including the employee's seniority rating and ranking, and to meet with the Director or designated representative regarding any corrections related to such list, rating, or ranking.
The Notice of Layoff shall be served, either personally or by mail, on an employee at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the effective date of the layoff.
The Employer will then give the bumped employee notice of layoff in accordance with Article 16.6 (Notice of Layoff to Affected Employees), and the employee then has the right, in turn, to displace another less senior employee.
Any non-standard provision related to Notice of Lay-off shall be continued under Article 10.
A statement that the employee has the opportunity to contact the Director or designated representative no later than five (5) business days after receipt of the Notice of Layoff to inspect the records relating to the computation of the layoff list including the employee's seniority rating and ranking, and to meet with the Director or designated representative, regarding any corrections related to such list, rating or ranking.
Records of an employee on layoff will be kept by the Employer and references supplied by the Employer at the request of the employee or of an outside agency will clearly state the nature of the employee's termination as a layoff due to the reason stated by the Employer in accordance with Article 16.6 (Notice of Layoff to Affected Employees).
Notice of Layoff shall be mailed or delivered to all regular employees affected by a layoff at least fifteen (15) days prior to the effective date of the action.