Notice of lay Sample Clauses
Notice of lay off shall not apply where the Employer can establish that the lay-off results from an act of God, fire or flood.
Notice of lay off shall not apply to probationary employees or where the Employer can establish that the lay-off results from an act of God, fire or flood.
Notice of lay off
a) Two weeks written notice, if the period of employment is less than one year.
b) Three weeks written notice, if the period of employment is one year or more but less than three years.
c) Four weeks written notice, if the period of employment is three years or more but less than five years.
d) Six weeks written notice, if the period of employment is five years or more but less than 10 years.
e) Eight weeks written notice, if the period of employment is 10 years or more.
Notice of lay. Off - All employees shall be given, in writing, notice of lay-off or salary in lieu of notice as provided in applicable legislation.
Notice of lay off to Chief Xxxxxxx A list of employees to be laid off or recalled shall be given to the Chief Xxxxxxx of the plant or his/her designee, at least two (2) days in advance of such lay-off or recall.
Notice of lay. Off
(a) Except as provided under Article 13.04, the Employer (School District) will notify in writing employees who are to be laid off at least two (2) weeks before the lay-off is to be effective. If the employee laid off has not had the opportunity to work her normal scheduled workdays during the term of notice, she shall be paid in lieu thereof for such days.
(b) The provisions of 13.03 (a) shall not apply to an employee who may be bumped and/or laid off due to another employee exercising her rights under Article 13.
Notice of lay off and a copy of this article shall be given to the teacher by registered mail no later than the first day of May of any school year. The teacher, within ten (10) teaching days of receiving notice of lay-off, shall indicate, in writing of his/her wish to be placed on the re-employment list. Notwithstanding anything else in this article, failure to respond within the time limit specified in this paragraph shall relieve the onus on the Division for that teacher's placement on the re-employment list and the teacher shall lose seniority.
Notice of lay off and a copy of this clause shall be given to the teacher by certified mail no later than the first day of May of the school year. The teacher, within ten calendar days of receiving notice of lay- off, shall indicate, in writing, wish be placed on the re-employment list. Notwithstanding anything else in this collective agreement, failure to respond within the time l i m i t specified in this clause shall relieve the onus on the division for that teacher's placement on the re-employment list. Teachers who have been laid off in accordance with this article shall be placed on the re-employment list and with the most the necessary qualifications, education, and experience for the available Teachers on the re-employment list shall have the right of recall for a period of one calendar year after September 30th following the date of lay- off. It shall be the responsibility of the teacher at all times to keep the Board informed of current address. It shall be the responsibility of the teacher to report an address to which a recall notice be delivered. Recall notices w i l l be delivered by certified mail to the last reported address given by the teacher and a teacher who is recalled from lay- off shall be required to indicate, notwithstanding any other time limits in this collective agreement, within five working days of the certified letter being received, intent to return to work and shall be required to return to work on the date set out in the notice which date shall not be less than fourteen calendar days following such notification, by mutual agreement. If a teacher refuses a position for which that teacher has the necessary qualifications, education, and experience, such teacher shall lose all rights to recall. Where a teacher is recalled in accordance with paragraph such teacher shall not suffer loss of: accumulated sick leave; seniority gained prior to being laid off. The lay- off and recall procedures set out in this article shall have no application to teachers who have not completed more than one year of continuous paid service with the Division nor to teachers employed for a period of less than one school year on the express written understanding that the teacher w i l l not, after completion of such time, be employed by the Board. The Board shall not retain teachers within the categories described in above where teachers subject to this article are laid off except where of qualifications, education and experience necessitates such action in order t...