Observation Report means a written summary of the observation. Such observation report(s) shall be the primary basis for the "Evaluation Report."
Observation Report means a written summary of the observation as well as performance of other professional duties in the school setting. Such observation report(s) shall be the primary basis for the “Evaluation Report.”[Observation form refer to Appendix E.,G.,I.,K.]
Observation Report means a written summary of the observation, the forms for which are attached to and made a part of this Agreement as Appendices E and F. Such Observation Report(s) along with supplemental written information shall form a basis for the “Evaluation Report.”
Examples of Observation Report in a sentence
The evaluator shall complete the Observation Report forms (Form 5) within three (3) work days following each post-conference.
More Definitions of Observation Report
Observation Report means a written summary of the observation, the form for 31 which is attached to and made a part of this Agreement as APPENDIX X. Xxxx Observation 32 Report(s) shall provide the central basis for the “Evaluation Report.” A Certificated Support Pre- 33 Planned Observation form is made a part of this Agreement as APPENDIX I.
Observation Report. A written summary of the situation observed during an observation. The observation report (Appendix L, M, N, or O) is used as the basis for the Evaluation Report and will be placed in the Personnel File. It is recognized that observations are not limited to the classroom setting.
Observation Report means a written summary of the observation or series of observations (see Appendix B).
Observation Report means a written summary of the observation, the form for which is attached to and made a part of this Agreement as Appendix E. Such Observation Report(s) shall provide the central basis for the “Evaluation Report.”
Observation Report. A written assessment provided to the teacher by the evaluator following an observation which shall be used in preparing the final evaluation report. Said assessment to be given to the teacher no later than five workdays following the observation. Observation reports, themselves, are not to be placed in the teacher's personnel file. Tier Two observation reports will be kept until the teacher is returned to Tier One or dismissed.
Observation Report a report of an observation that consists of the following elements: (1) what was observed; (2) instructional strength and weakness; (3)
Observation Report information which is provided to the teacher following an observation or series of observations. It is not an evaluation report; however, it may include assessments and may ultimately appear in or as an attachment to an evaluation report.