Observation Reports Sample Clauses

Observation Reports. A. A written report shall be submitted to the CDB PM for each site visit made under basic services and each on-site representative’s visit. Each report shall be clearly identified as being provided as either a periodic site visit (14.12), or as an on-site representative site visit (14.13). Reports shall be submitted in a timely manner as the construction activity dictates. In no case shall submission interval exceed seven (7) days from the date of the site visit. CDB shall not provide any reimbursement for on-site representative visits without an observation report. B. CDB may withhold a portion of the construction phase fee if the A/E fails to provide observation reports as set forth herein. C. When directed by the CDB PM, the A/E shall provide copies of reports to the coordinating contractor, assigned contractors and using agency representatives.
Observation Reports. Following each observation of thirty (30) minutes or more, the evaluator shall promptly document the results in writing within three (3) days, and shall provide the employee with a copy within three (3) days after such documentation is prepared.
Observation Reports. The class observation report should meaningfully describe a class session observed. The aspects addressed might include mastery of the discipline, interaction with students, use of appropriate teaching techniques, and presentation style. In the case of non-classroom faculty, the observation report should meaningfully describe such instructional activities as workshop presentations, guest lecturers in others’ classrooms, and individual instruction/interaction with students. The observation report should make note of noteworthy successes as well as any causes for concern.
Observation Reports. (Attachment 2) Teachers shall receive a written Observation Report of every classroom observation within twenty-four (24) hours of the post observation discussion. The written report will consist of the Administrator’s observations as well as remarks discussed during the post observation meeting. In the event that the Teacher feels the observation report was incomplete or unjust, the Teacher may put additional comments or objections in writing and have them attached to all copies of the observation report. The Teacher will sign any additional comments and return the comments to the Administrator within two (2) days of the conference. This response shall be attached to the Administrator’s comments.
Observation Reports. No Observation report shall be referred to the administrative office of the School District until the professional employee has had at least one day to read it and has had an opportunity, if the professional employee promptly requests, to discuss it in a conference with the observer. The professional employee may also attach a commentary which shall remain with the report. Observation reports shall be prepared by the observer exclusively. These observations are to be made available only to those who have a need in their official capacity to know.
Observation Reports. 1. Observation by supervisory personnel (principals, supervisors, etc.) shall include a follow- up conference with the teacher. The follow-up conference will not take place prior to receipt of the written report. The written report shall be given to the teacher within ten (10) working days after the observation. The ten (10) working days may be extended by an amount of time equal to any temporary absences of the supervisors. 2. In scheduling conferences, the evaluator shall take into account teacher preferences. Such conferences may be held during teacher preparation periods. If a representative is present at a conference, it is in the role of witness and observer. He/she is expected to reserve any remarks, comments, and/or suggestions until a time provided at the end of the conference. A representative may attend only those conferences which a teacher reasonably believes may result in discipline. 3. The report shall not be placed in the teacher's file or otherwise acted upon without prior consultation with the teacher. Such reports shall include: (a) strengths and weaknesses of the teacher's performance as evidenced during the specific observation; and (b) specific suggestions as to measures which might be taken by the teacher to improve his/her performance in areas where weaknesses have been observed. 4. A teacher has five (5) working days to sign the observation report. Such signature indicates receipt of the report only. 5. A teacher may file an addendum to the observation report within ten (10) working days after the follow-up conference.
Observation Reports. (Attachment 2)
Observation Reports. Observation reports shall be given to the teacher within ten (10) school days of the observation. Teachers shall be required to sign the observation/evaluation report for the purpose of acknowledging receipt of the report. Teachers shall not be required to sign an incomplete observation/evaluation report. The teacher may submit a rebuttal to the observation/evaluation report within ten school (10) days of receipt of the report.
Observation Reports. Ffollowing all formal observations but prior to the written evaluationobservation report, the supervisor and employee shall meet to discuss the details of the observation. Such a meeting will be within a reasonable time following the observation. Normally, such a meeting will occur within ten (10) school days following the observation. Following the conferencesuch meeting, the employee will be given a copy of the written evaluation observation report prepared by the evaluator.
Observation Reports. 1. The observation of the work performance of a staff member will be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the staff member. Frequency of observation should be a function of perceived performance. Observation of unsatisfactory performance should lead to more frequent observations and conferences. 2. Each observation will be followed by a post-conference within 3 school days of the observation. A written observation report will be provided to the staff member within 15 school days after the observation. The professional staff member should sign the observation within 15 days or it will be included in the professional staff member’s file after being signed by an LEA representative. If a staff member is to be observed more than once before a written observation report is prepared, the reason must be recorded in writing on the observation report. The staff member and the evaluator will mutually agree on the date and the number of observations. 3. Classroom observations for the purpose of collecting data for evaluation reports shall be no less than thirty (30) minutes in duration at the elementary level and one full instructional period at the middle schools and the high school. Any exception will be mutually agreed to by the staff member and the evaluator. 4. Individual observations shall not be subject to the grievance procedure except as part of a grievance concerning an evaluation. Evaluation shall be subject to the grievance and arbitration procedures, both procedurally and substantively. 5. The Superintendent, Director of Elementary or Secondary Education, or the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources may visit a staff member's classroom/workplace to assess the observation skills of an evaluator, to investigate a complaint, or for administrative purposes other than evaluation. The Superintendent, Director of Elementary or Secondary Education, or the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources may be visiting staff members' classrooms/workplaces in the course of doing a general review of teaching or they might visit staff members' classrooms/workplaces to follow up after receiving an evaluation report. They will be going into a staff member's classroom/workplace at the specific request of either the staff member or the evaluator, and they will be going into staff members' classrooms/workplaces during the professional status process. 6. An observation report that rates a teacher as “effective with concerns” or “ineffective” shall include recomm...